This class was created by Brainscape user niran !. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Soviet Control of Eastern Europe
What was the purpose of com inform,
How did com inform work,
When was com inform set up
15  cards
The Hungarian Uprising
Who was the leader of hungary fro...,
What are the reasons for the hung...,
When was the first opposition
15  cards
Prague Spring
Who was leader of ussr during pra...,
Who was new leader of czechoslova...,
What was dubceks views 3
12  cards
The Berlin Wall
What was east berlin like 5,
Who was ussr leader during berlin...,
Actions by ussr 2
8  cards
Polish Solidarity Movement
What started solidarity,
When was gdansk shipyard strike,
Reasons for solidarity success 4
18  cards
Collapse of Communism
Who was the leader of the ussr fr...,
When was mikhail gorbachev brough...,
Beliefs of gorbachev 4
15  cards
peace treaties of 1919-1923
How long was the paris peace conf...,
Who were the big three,
Aims of woodrow wilson
12  cards
success of the league of nations
What was the league of nations su...,
Og plans for the league of nation...,
Aims of the league
18  cards
why did international peace collapse by 1939
Hitlers foreign policy rearmament...,
Hitlers foreign policy saar plebi...,
Hitlers foreign policy rhinelands...
14  cards
the cold war start
The big three post ww2,
When was the yalta conference,
What was discussed at yalta
20  cards
the weimar republic
Political challenges faced by ger...,
Economic challenges faced by germ...,
Social challenges faced by german...
39  cards
rise of the nazis
Key ideologies from mein kampf ex...,
What is the nsdap,
Nsdap timeline
37  cards
Nazi control of Germany 1933-45
What was the nazi police state an...,
What was the gestapo,
What were the police and the courts
20  cards
what was it like to live in nazi germany
How did nazis change schools,
What were the nazi youth leagues,
Women in nazi germany
18  cards

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igcse history

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