This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Farrell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Food Provenance
What is food provenance,
What does the term farm to fork mean,
Name some examples of food that h...
28  cards
Food Production and Processing
What is food processing,
Why does food processing take place,
What is food production
38  cards
Food and Nutrition for Good Health
What does the eatwell guide do,
What are the nutrients provided b...,
What counts as one portion of fru...
8  cards
Energy and Nutrients
Why do we need energy,
What factors influence individual...,
What is basal metabolic rate bmr
18  cards
What are the three main macronutr...,
What is a nutrient,
What are the functions of protein
24  cards
What are the two types of micronu...,
What are the two types of vitamins,
Where foods are fat soluble vitam...
18  cards
What is fibre,
What are the two main types of fibre,
What are the functions of insolub...
8  cards
How much water does the eatwell g...,
What are the functions of water,
What are the symptoms of dehydration
4  cards
What macronutrients are needed du...,
Why is fat needed during pregnancy,
Why are carbohydrates needed duri...
31  cards
The world health organisation who...,
What is obesity,
Someone who is pear shaped stores...
17  cards
Cardiovascular Disease
What is cardiovascular disease,
When does heart disease occur,
What is the condition called when...
25  cards
What is diabetes,
Why might the body not be able to...,
What is insulin
32  cards
What is osteoporosis,
How many woman over the age of 50...,
How many men over the age of 50 f...
17  cards
Dental Caries
How are dental caries called,
How is this plaque acid produced,
How can a diet high in sugar and ...
18  cards
Iron Deficiency Anemia
What is iron important for,
What is haemoglobin responsible for,
What are the symptoms of iron def...
18  cards
Being an effective consumer when shopping for food
What is a consumer,
What does being an effective cons...,
What are the barriers to being an...
24  cards
Factors affecting food choice
What factors affect individual fo...,
What personal factors can affect ...,
What are social factors
60  cards
Food Safety
What are the dos when buying food,
What are the donts when buying food,
Why is storing food correctly imp...
16  cards

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home economics

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