history - the british empire.

This class was created by Brainscape user Alexandre Bray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Africa 1857-90 (SECTION 1)
Why would britain have expanded i...,
Why would britain have expanded i...,
What strategic factors would have...
58  cards
India 1857-90 (SECTION 1)
How had india previously been rul...,
What were the terms of the govern...,
How was india administered from 1858
29  cards
Trade and Commerce 1857-90 (SECTION 1)
Why did free trade come to domina...,
What were the 6 consequences of f...,
How did ships and shipping suppor...
20  cards
Attitudes towards Imperialism (SECTION 1)
Who was david livingstone,
Who was richard burton,
Who was henry morton stanley
22  cards
India, Egypt and Sudan 1857-1914.
Why did britain renew interest in...,
Who was isma il pasha and what di...,
When was the suez canal set up
61  cards
Consolidation and expansion in Africa 1890-1914 (SECTION 2)
What policy did the british get r...,
Which two alliance systems had fo...,
What did the alliances in europe ...
31  cards
Imperial attitudes 1890-1914 (SECTION 2)
Why did people support imperialism,
What did high imperialists want,
What did joseph chamberlain belie...
29  cards
Trade and Commerce 1890-1914 (SECTION 2)
Did the empire make britain wealthy,
What was the evidence to suggest ...,
What was the evidence to suggest ...
11  cards
Chapter 13- Expansion and Contraction of Empire in India, Africa, Middle East and Asia (SECTION 3)
1 how many men from the following...,
What did the empire supply britai...,
What was the imperial war cabinet...
60  cards
Chapter 14 - The administration of India, Africa and the Middle East 1918-67)(SECTION 3)
What was decided under the govern...,
What did britain hope for the gov...,
What were the round table confere...
19  cards
Trade and commerce 1914-67, impact of wars (SECTION 3)
What were the 4 main impacts of t...,
Explain the effect that the war h...,
Explain the effect the war had on...
25  cards
Chapter 16-17: Attitudes towards imperialism 1919-67 (SECTION 3)
Who was gandhi what was his backg...,
Who was gandhi what was his backg...,
What 10 campaigns was gandhi invo...
30  cards
Chapter 19 - Decolonisation in Africa and Asia (SECTION 4)
What were the 5 reasons for decol...,
How did the economic impact of ww...,
How did the economic impact of ww...
36  cards
Chapter 20 - Colonial policy and administration (SECTION 4)
In what ways did britain remain c...,
What were the key developments in...,
What did the british agree with e...
28  cards
Trade and Commerce 1947-67 (SECTION 4)
What of british imports came from...,
What of british exports came from...,
What happened in 1947 regarding t...
13  cards
Role of Individuals and Attitudes to Empire (SECTION 4)
Who was onn bin ja afar,
Who was kwame nkrumah what was hi...,
What did kwame nkrumah s politica...
51  cards

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history - the british empire.

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