history revision

This class was created by Brainscape user Caitlin Davies. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (45)

Health And The People: Medical Doctor’s Knowledge
What did they use when studying,
Who were the old manuscripts writ...,
Which languages were the manuscri...
20  cards
Health & The People: Key Figures In Medieval Medicine
What did vesalius dissect 2,
How did versalius learn from diss...,
What did vesalius make with his f...
37  cards
Health & The People: Public Health In Towns
What is the definition of public ...,
Where did people get there water ...,
What was the negative of getting ...
14  cards
Health & The People: Influence On Medieval Medicine
What did the greeks believe in,
What did the greeks practice thei...,
What did the believe was importan...
22  cards
Health & The People: The Black Death
When did a bubonic plague occur i...,
How many people died during the b...,
What was the bubonic plague cause by
8  cards
Health & The People: developments in surgery and John Hunter
To be a surgeon in 1813 how many ...,
In 1856 how many people were doct...,
What did john hunter set up
16  cards
Health And The People: Edward Jenner and the smallpox vaccine
Where did small pox come from,
What did people used to prevent s...,
What was the problems with inocul...
10  cards
America: president Kennedy’s ‘New Frontier’
What was the peace corps,
What did john f kennedy do to hel...,
What did john f kennedy do to hel...
6  cards
America: President Johnson’s ‘Great Society’
What did he do to minimum hourly ...,
What was jobs corps introduced to do,
What was introduced to fund low i...
13  cards
America: McCarthyism
What did joseph mccarthy use to h...,
How did he use the fear of communism,
How did it help him
6  cards
America: Politics And Society
What are the 2 types of governmen...,
Where is the central federal gove...,
Who is the central federal govern...
9  cards
America: Impact Of The Great Depression
What was the impact of the great ...,
What affect did the great depress...,
What affect did the great depress...
5  cards
America: The Wall Street Crash
Why was playing the stock market ...,
What were the factors of inequali...,
What were the factors of problems...
10  cards
America: The Roaring Twenties
What was the roaring twenties,
What was the 1920s also referred as,
Where did jazz music originate in
6  cards
America: Position Of Women In Society
What were women like before the war,
What were women s lives during th...,
How did women s lives change afte...
4  cards
Cold War: Yalta Conference
When was the yalta conference held,
What was the wests aim,
What was the ussr s aims
10  cards
Cold War: The Potsdam Conference
When was the potsdam conference held,
Who was at the potsdam conference,
What was the impact of the atomic...
3  cards
Cold War: Iron Curtian And East-West Rivalry
By the end of ww2 who controlled ...,
What land did the red army occupy,
What belief was popular in easter...
9  cards
Cold War: The Truman Doctrine
What does the truman doctrine ref...,
When and where did truman outline...,
What did truman s speech outline
3  cards
Cold War: The Marhall Plan
What was the 3 aims of the plan,
How much money was divided betwee...,
Who was aid offered to
4  cards
Cold War: Cominfrom And Comicon
Why was cominform and comecon set up,
What was cominform,
What was comecon
3  cards
Cold War: Berlin Blockade
When was the mini blockade,
What was the mini blockade,
What happened on the 24th of june
15  cards
America: New Deal
What was the theory behind the al...,
What was did the fca stand for,
What was the fca
25  cards
Cold War: Hungarian Uprising (1956)
After the 2nd ww what did hungary...,
Who was the leader of hungary fro...,
When did students take the street...
6  cards
Cold War: U2 Crisis And Paris Peace Summit
What did usa use the u2 spy plane...,
Who was gary powers,
What happened to powers on the 1s...
9  cards
Cold War: Communist Revolution In China
What was signed between china and...,
What did the treaty of friendship...
2  cards
Cold War: NATO and The Warsaw Pact
When was nato formed,
Why was nato formed,
What was the purpose of nato
6  cards
Cold War: Korean War (1950-53)
What has been agreed potsdam,
What was north korea,
Who was north korea led by
12  cards
America: Economic Boom
How did the first world war help ...,
How did the role of the governmen...,
What did the fordney mccumber tar...
6  cards
America: Henry Foord And The Motor Industry
When was the first ford factory b...,
When was the assembly line indrod...,
What did ford s assembly line mea...
15  cards
Cold War: Space Race
What happened on the 4th october ...,
What happened on the 3rd november...,
What happened 18th december 1958
10  cards
Health And The People: Medieval Surgery
What was trepanning,
What was the reason behind trepan...,
What was cauterisation
5  cards
Elizabeth: Her Reign
When did elizabeth reign,
How old was elizabeth when she be...
2  cards
Elizabeth: Government And Religion
What religion was england when el...,
What religion was elizabeth,
Who were the privy council
8  cards
Elizabth: Challanges
What problems did elizabeth face ...,
What problems did elizabeth face ...,
What problems did elizabeth face ...
6  cards
Elizabeth: Key Ministers And Advisors
Who were the privy council and wh...,
How many times did the council meet,
How many people were apart of the...
4  cards
Elizabeth: Court Life
What were the lord lieutenants role,
What were parliaments role,
What was the privy councils s role
4  cards
Elizabeth: Marriage And Succesion
What were the arguments in favour...,
What were the arguments against m...,
Who were elizabeth s potential su...
3  cards
Elizabeth: Relarionships With Parliament
What did parliament consist of,
What was marriage and succession ...,
What was religion like in parliament
7  cards
Health And The People: Advances In Medical Science
What were the 3 new anaesthetics,
Whoever and who wrote an account ...,
What were the effects of nitrous ...
14  cards
Health And The People: Joseph Lister’s Germ Theorem
When did pasteur s germ theorem c...,
What was listers antiseptic approach,
What did lister do to jamie green...
8  cards
Health And The People: Early 19th Century Ideas About Infection
What did surgeons believe,
What did contagionists believe,
What did anti contagionists believe
3  cards
Elizabeth: Puritans And Their Beliefs
Who were strict protestants influ...,
What were puritans,
What book did puritans study
6  cards
Elizabeth: Failure Of Rebellions Against Elizabeth
What were the reason behind the p...,
What were the reasons behind the ...,
Why did plots against elizabeth f...
7  cards
Health And The People: 1875 Public Health Act
Who did local councils appoint to...,
What were councils ordered to do
2  cards

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history revision

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