This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Linley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

What year was the tehran conference,
What were the the three main agre...,
What were the 4 strains in the gr...
19  cards
The Berlin Wall
How did democratic elections in h...,
How did the collapse of the berli...,
When did hungary open its border ...
3  cards
When did the baltic states declar...,
When did moscow accept the baltic...,
When was the dissolution of the su
7  cards
The Spreading of the Soviet Union
Why did the soviet union want inf...,
What are the features of a soviet...,
What are the 6 soviet satellite s...
16  cards
How the USA tried to stop the spread of communism
What was the truman doctrine,
Give one example of he truman doc...,
Give two reasons why the truman d...
9  cards
Cominform & Comecon
What was cominform short for,
When was cominform set up,
Why was cominform set up
10  cards
The Berlin Blockade
What was the first crisis of the ...,
In which conferences was it agree...,
What were the long term causes of...
9  cards
The Berlin Airlift
What was the berlin airlift,
How long was the berlin airlift,
How many flights were there as pa...
14  cards
NATO & The Warsaw Pact
When was nato formed,
What did nato increase,
How were the marshall plan and na...
14  cards
The Soviet Invasion of Hungary
Between what years was matyas rak...,
What was the nickname for rakosi,
How did rakosi rule
24  cards
The Berlin Crisis 1961
Why was berlin a problem for the ...,
Between 1949 and 1961 how many ea...,
Why did many people flee from eas...
24  cards
The Cuban Missile Crisis
How far was cuba from america,
Who was originally cubas leader w...,
When was battista overthrown
23  cards
Czechoslovakia: 'Prague Spring'
Who replaced khrushchev in 1964,
In which year did brezhnev replac...,
Who became the communist party le...
18  cards
Detente - The Search for Peace
What was detente,
What was linkage,
How did detente develop in the 1970s
3  cards
When was salt 1,
What did salt stand for,
Why was salt 1 significant
17  cards
The Helsinki Agreements - 1975
When was the helsinki agreements,
What were the three terms of the ...,
What was the human rights part of...
5  cards
When was salt 2,
What was agreed in salt 2 3,
When did all the agreements in sa...
5  cards
The Collapse of détente
What was the main reason why dete...,
When was the kabul revolution,
What party overthrew the governme...
12  cards
The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
When was the soviet invasion of a...,
What happened on the 25th decembe...,
How many soviet troops were sent ...
7  cards
The Carter Doctrine
What was the carter doctrine,
What steps did president carter i...,
When was detente dead by
3  cards
The End of détente
When was the second cold war,
Who replaced president carter,
When did reagan replace carter
16  cards
'Star Wars' - America Fights Back
What was start 3,
What did start stand for,
What did sdi stand for
6  cards
Soviet response to the SDI
How did the sdi present problems ...,
How did the sdi break from detente 2,
How did the sdi turn the space ra...
4  cards
Relations Between 1980 - 1985
How did relations develop between...,
How did relations worsen between ...,
How did relations improve between...
3  cards
Gorbachev's 'New Thinking'
When did gorbachev become leader ...,
Which four important strategies d...,
What was perestroika
12  cards
The INF Treaty
When was the inf treaty,
What does the inf treaty stand for,
Why was the inf treaty a breakthr...
6  cards
Summit Conferences after Reagan
When was the cfe agreement,
What was the cfe agreement,
When was start 1 signed
4  cards
The End of the Cold War
Which factors helped break up the...,
What was the sinatra doctrine,
What year did gorbachev tell east...
9  cards

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history - cold war

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