This class was created by Brainscape user Benjamin Wuensche. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What are the two divisions of arc...,
What does prehistoric archaeology...,
What does historical archaeology ...
41  cards
History of the Field
Who developed the laws of stratig...,
Who produced the first geological...,
What was charles lyell s contribu...
31  cards
Documentary Evidence
What are primary sources 5,
What are secondary sources 5,
What are some examples of seconda...
13  cards
What is absolute dating provide t...,
What is relative dating provide t...,
What is another name for radiocar...
25  cards
The Basques
Where did the basques live,
What made the bay of biscay econo...,
What sort of economy did the basq...
31  cards
The French
Which french monarch initiated ex...,
Who was the first to explore the ...,
Who led a french expedition to pe...
53  cards
The Spanish
Who were ferdinand of aragon and ...,
What was the first contact betwee...,
What was taino culture like 5
14  cards
The Dutch
When was the eighty years war,
Why did the dutch war of independ...,
What did the eighty years war or ...
44  cards
The English
Why was the ralph lane expedition...,
Describe the john white expeditio...,
Who founded the jamestown colony ...
59  cards
British North America & Port Royal
Why was ralph lane s 1585 expedit...,
What was the purpose of john whit...,
Who founded jamestown and when
41  cards
Archaeology of the Slave Trade & Slave Ships
What event did slavery coincide w...,
When and where were the earliest ...,
When was slavery widespread
27  cards
Archaeology of Plantations, Race & Racialization
What is a plantation,
What crops were common at plantat...,
Where was african enslaved labor ...
22  cards
Archaeology of Holes
What is a privy,
Why are privies useful to archaeo...,
What makes privies unique in the ...
41  cards
Archaeology of Military Sites
What are three important consider...,
What is conflict archaeology 3,
What sites other than battlefield...
25  cards
Shelburne Shipyard Steamboat Graveyard
Where is the shelburne shipyard s...,
Who utilized the shelburne shipyard,
What was the first step in invest...
21  cards
Surveys & Remote Sensing
What are the four types of sites,
What do ground or pedestrian surv...,
What sort of remnants do pedestri...
22  cards
Field Schools
What factors go into field school...,
What is required to start a field...,
What health and safety factors ar...
4  cards
Historic Artifacts
What are artifacts and what do th...,
What are the three basic types of...,
What were the earliest forms of e...
24  cards

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historical archaeology

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