gcse rp buddhism 🪷

This class was created by Brainscape user Georgia Keyte. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Glossary Terms Page 1
What does amitabha buddha mean,
What does anatta mean,
What does anicca mean
21  cards
Glossary Terms Page 2
What does kamma karma mean,
What does karuna mean,
What does magga mean
26  cards
Glossary Terms Page 3
What does stupa mean,
What does sukhavati mean,
What does sunyata mean
25  cards
Glossary (All Terms)
What does amitabha buddha mean,
What does anatta mean,
What does anicca mean
72  cards
The Buddha’s Life
When was the buddha born,
What does the term buddha mean,
What does siddhartha mean
26  cards
Buddhist Beliefs
What was siddhartha gautama s nam...,
What was the name of the seer who...,
Which evil spirit tried to stop b...
16  cards
Buddhist Worship
Where can buddhists worship,
What is a temple,
What is the importance of the tem...
21  cards
Buddhism Beliefs Year 10 Mock
Why did the buddha give up his li...,
What are the four sights,
Name another reason siddhartha ga...
34  cards
Buddhist Beliefs Fact Test
In which country is pure land bud...,
2 what word is used to describe a...,
What is dependent arising 1
25  cards
Buddhist Practices Fact Test
What is the definition of puja 1,
What are two different types of m...,
Which type of worship involves re...
26  cards
Buddhist Worship (Puja)
What does worship allow buddhists...,
What three offerings do buddhists...,
What are the candles symbolic of
13  cards
Death And Mourning
In theravada funerals very little...,
In theravada funerals what is dis...,
At theravada funerals flowers are...
12  cards
Finish the quotation from the lam...,
Finish the quotation from the bud...,
Finish the quotation
38  cards
Eightfold Path
Which noble truth is the eightfol...,
What is the name for the fourth n...,
What three sections can the eight...
11  cards
Three Marks of Existence
What are the three marks of exist...,
What does anicca mean,
Give some examples some anicca
18  cards
Focussed Teachings
The three refuges recitation,
The five aggregates
32  cards
Paper 2 Teachings
Dalai lama on metta and karuna ha...,
Which buddhist monk burned himsel...,
What did ghandi say about the chr...
4  cards

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gcse rp buddhism 🪷

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