This class was created by Brainscape user Liam Mckeown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Between which degrees latitude do...,
What are the vine s 3 major nutri...,
What are the vine s 6 minor nutri...
40  cards
Describe the tug of war historica...,
Between which parallels is alsace...,
What is the climate
35  cards
What brought about the emergence ...,
When was the first champagne hous...,
What did the king s decree in 172...
51  cards
Why is bourgogne so tightly linke...,
How did the dukes of burgundy imp...,
How did the french revolution of ...
90  cards
Which bourgogne appellations can ...,
When is the last year bourgogne a...,
Describe the history of beaujolai...
34  cards
Which part of the saone graben do...,
How much wine from jura is exported,
What was louis pasteur famous for
31  cards
How does the alpine climate affec...,
What is the climate,
How is temperature impacted by el...
15  cards
Loire Valley
Describe the path of the loire ri...,
How does the loire river impact t...,
What are the main sub divisions o...
55  cards
What role did england play in the...,
What role did the dutch play in t...,
What was the 100 years war about
74  cards
Southwest France
Describe the historical relations...,
What are the names of the 4 sub r...,
What are the 3 distinct climate z...
32  cards
What are the 3 topographical zone...,
Describe the climate of the langu...,
What issues do sea breezes have h...
33  cards
How much of france s vdn wine is ...,
Describe the climate of roussillon,
How many winds affect roussillon ...
32  cards
Rhône Valley
What are the important turning po...,
What was the edict that king loui...,
What are the names of the norther...
58  cards
T or f is provence the oldest win...,
During which century did cultivat...,
Who did marseille align themselve...
25  cards
Is corsica located closer to fran...,
What is the climate,
Who captured corsica in the 11th ...
25  cards

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french wine scholar

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