This class was created by Brainscape user Daniel Picard. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Week 3: Legislation
Why do we need consent,
What are the different factors wi...,
Information about the treatment t...
49  cards
Week 3: Information privacy, confidentiality, and security
Act that governs health care info...,
When can phi be collected without...,
When can practitioners disclose p...
6  cards
Week 1: Professional, ethical and legal obligations in nursing
Regulates the collection use and ...,
_______ is implied within a patie...,
Someone with extensive knowledge ...
29  cards
Week 2: The legal context for practice
System of rules and principles ba...,
English common law also called __...,
Private law ______ law in canada ...
40  cards
Week 2: The legal context for practice (part 2)
Non intentional tort a defendant ...,
Negligence types,
In healthcare _________ ____ part...
34  cards
Week 4: Professional, ethical and legal obligations in nursing: a critical appraisal
Philosophical study of morality,
Standards or beliefs that a perso...,
An ideal that has significant mea...
54  cards
Week 6: Patient safety
Reduction and mitigation of unsaf...,
Leads to potential or actual adve...,
If we follow our professional sta...
54  cards
Week 8 - Ontario Regulated Health Professions Legislative Framework
What are the different laws affec...,
The umbrella law that regulates h...,
What are the key features of the ...
79  cards
Week 9 - Ontario Regulated Health Professions legislative framework - Part 2
When multiple health workers from...,
______ deal with less complex and...,
Rns and rpns have the ______ scop...
52  cards
Week 10 - Establishing, maintaining, and navigating boundaries in the therapeutic relationship
Distinct from other types of rela...,
Why is the nc therapeutic relatio...,
Relationship directed with advanc...
27  cards
Week 11 - Incivility, abuse in the workplace
What are the shockingly high stat...,
What are contributing factors to ...,
Process of making a significant a...
68  cards
Week 13 - Future Trends, Issues and Jurisprudence
How many times does the jurisprud...,
Exam results are valid for how lo...,
To assess knowledge and understan...
14  cards

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ethics in nursing

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