This class was created by Brainscape user Sara Howden. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Name the main 6 pelvis ligaments,
Name 4 other pelvic ligaments not...,
What are the 4 cavity pressures
32  cards
0  cards
0  cards
Seminar 1 - 1) Intro Singapore
Eso was fouded in,
Which brits got involved in the e...
40  cards
Seminar 1 - 3) Evolution of Osteopathy and 5 models
What is the first stage of the de...,
What is the second stage of the d...,
Explain fryettes law when in neut...
66  cards
Seminar 1 - 4) 5 models: Biomechanics
Who is the father of biomechanics,
Borelli s biomechanics is based on,
What did borelli write
28  cards
Seminar 8 - Ankle and foot
What are the 3 primary lateral li...,
What are the ligaments for the ti...,
Give 4 functions of the lower leg
74  cards
Seminar 1 - 5) 5 models - Neurological
Visceral pain is poorly localised...,
Referred pain is,
What properties has visceral pain
72  cards
Seminar 1 - 6) 5 models - Respiratory Circulatory
Fluid flow b w men and own are di...,
Mm hg means,
Whats a normal blood pressure
22  cards
Seminar 1 - 7) Integration
A uk athlete study found that a p...,
What does the goe include,
What is global active listening l...
19  cards
Seminar 2 - GOT
Definition of got 6 points,
The centre of gravity is l3 but w...,
Who are the 3 key people at the o...
37  cards
Seminar 2 - GOT pivots and curves
Littlejohn s mechanics of the spine,
When in life does the lumbar curv...,
Whats the equation for resistance...
70  cards
Seminar 3 - GOE
What is goe,
What does the goe need to be,
What does the core goe routine co...
76  cards
Seminar 4 - Visceral - Study sheets
Where is the spleen located,
Which functions does the spleen h...,
What are the ligaments of the spleen
60  cards
Seminar 4 - Visceral - Diaphragm
What is the diaphragm,
Attachments of the diaphragm,
Neural supply
12  cards
Seminar 4 - Visceral - Stomach
What is the capacity of the stomach,
Whats the size of the stomach,
How much does the stomach move
27  cards
Seminar 4 - Visceral - Liver
Give me a few facts about the liv...,
How mobile is the liver,
What are the liver anatomical lan...
16  cards
Seminar 4 - Visceral - Relieving tests/Subdiaphragmic visceral screening
What are the 9 quadrants of the a...,
Abdominal areas to palpate,
Which organs correspond to the ri...
23  cards
Seminar 4 - Visceral - Introduction
What are the structure function r...,
What s motricity,
What s mobility
27  cards
Seminar 4 - Visceral - Embryology
Describe the gut development week...,
How do you call the early develpm...,
Explain what happens during gastr...
19  cards
Seminar 5 - BLT
What was blt taught by,
What is blt,
What is the aim of blt
6  cards

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