edexcel a level politics paper 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth S. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Democracy and Participation
Define a think tank,
What s a lobbyist,
What was the owen paterson lobbyi...
41  cards
Democracy and Participation: Lobbyists, Pressure Groups, Think Tanks
What is pluralist democracy,
What is a pressure group,
What are some functions of pressu...
44  cards
Political Parties (Funding, Regulation, Make Up)
Why is party funding controversial,
What was the cash for peerage sca...,
What are examples of party fundin...
32  cards
Political Parties (Context, Origins, Divisions)
What was the first conservative p...,
What were the key principles of o...,
What is noblesse oblige
49  cards
Electoral Systems
What is ams,
Where is the ams voting system,
What are the two votes for in ams
41  cards
Voting Behaviour And Media
What is partisan realignment,
What was labours 2017 pledge,
What was the conservative party d...
37  cards
What is monetarianism,
What was one nation conservatism ...,
What is stagflation
28  cards
What are the 6 core liberal ideas,
Define rationalism,
What is a liberal democracy
40  cards
What are the core ideas of socialism,
What are the three types of socia...,
What are the socialist key thinkers
38  cards
How many seats did snp get in the...,
What of voter share did snp get i...,
What was the turnout of the 2019 ...
34  cards
Election statistics
What were the techniques used in ...,
What were techniques used by that...,
What was the media s influence in...
45  cards

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edexcel a level politics paper 1

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