developmental neurobiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Julie Bohacova. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (32)

Lecture 2- Techniques in Developmental Neurobiology
What are the six model organisms ...,
What are the advantages disadvant...,
What are the advantages disadvant...
52  cards
Lecture 3- Induction of the Nervous System I
What is the polarity in the 8 cel...,
What is the polarity in a 3 week ...,
What are the axis like in an adul...
40  cards
Lecture 4- Induction of the Nervous System II
How was the organizer molecule found,
How is the cdna library created,
What is a uv treated ventralized ...
30  cards
Lecture 5- Neurulation: Mechanisms of neural tube formation
What is neural induction,
What is neurulation,
What does the neural plate underg...
59  cards
Lecture 6- Neurogenesis and determination of cell fate I (Drosophila)
What is specification,
What is determination,
What controls specification diffe...
32  cards
Lecture 7- Neurogenesis and determination of cell fate II
What is the ventricular zone also...,
What is shown in this picture,
What does the ventricular zone lo...
39  cards
Lecture 8- Patterning of the Nervous System: Anterior-Posterior Patterning
What is the progression of develo...,
What are the arrows pointing to,
What are the lines pointing to
41  cards
Lecture 9- Patterning of the Nervous System: Dorsal-Ventral patterning
When does dorsal ventral patterni...,
What is the structure of the neur...,
What is
41  cards
Lecture 10- Neuronal migration in brain development I (cortex-pyramidal)
What does this picture show,
What are the 4 stages of developm...,
Where do neurons migrate and what...
64  cards
Lecture 11- Neuronal migration in brain development II (interneurons+hippocampus)
Where are cortical interneurons g...,
How far do cortical interneurons ...,
How do interneurons migrate
39  cards
Lecture 12- Neuronal migration in brain development III (cerebellum and RMS)
What are the main functions of th...,
What percentage of all the neuron...,
What are the cell types in the ce...
43  cards
Lecture 13- Adult neural stem cells
What 2 functions are adult stem c...,
How did they work out that there ...,
When does the svz form and is it ...
39  cards
Lecture 15- Neural crest I
When does the neural crest arise ...,
What types of cells arise from th...,
What are some examples of birth d...
48  cards
Lecture 16- Neural crest II (migration and differentiation)
What determines where neural cres...,
What are the four divisions of th...,
What are the 5 methods to study n...
44  cards
Lecture 17- Neural crest III
Summary of neural crest cells so ...,
What is the example of,
What is the evidence that neural ...
37  cards
Lecture 18- Axon guidance I
What do neurons start off as,
What are the variations in length...,
What are the steps in the develop...
43  cards
Lecture 19- Axon guidance II
How can the direction of the grow...,
What do growth cones grow on,
Pic1what substrate do neurons gro...
28  cards
Lecture 20- Axon guidance III
Pic1how do dendrites differ from ...,
Do neurons have many different mo...,
What is special about amacrine cells
39  cards
Lecture 21- Axon guidance IV
What is axon guidance important for,
How are axons guided,
What are the environmental guidan...
33  cards
Lecture 22- Axon guidance V
What are the main repulsive cues ...,
What is the slit downstream signa...,
What do slit proteins do in vitro
35  cards
Lecture 23- Axon Regeneration
Can neuron survive an axon injury,
Can mammals regenerate axons in t...,
Pic1what happens when you have an...
38  cards
Lecture 24- Synaptogenesis I
What are synapses,
What are synapses for,
What are the vast majority of syn...
37  cards
Lecture 25- Synaptogenesis II
Where do excitatotory synapses occur,
Pic1what is the pre synaptic acti...,
What is the post synaptic density
37  cards
Lecture 26- refinement of synaptic connections I
Are our brains complex,
Pic1how does the number of prefro...,
What is the role of synapse elimi...
28  cards
Lecture 27- refinement of synaptic connections II
What is the biological mechanism ...,
What are the four glutamate recep...,
What do nmda receptors pass
36  cards
Lecture 28- Glial development I
What are glia,
What is the percentage of glia in...,
What are the types of glia
40  cards
Lecture 29- Glial development II
How many cells does a schwann cel...,
How many cells does an oligodendr...,
What is myelination good for
41  cards
Lecture 30- Neurotrophins I (Apoptosis)
What was the discovery made by za...,
What was the discovery made by ro...,
What was the discovery made by an...
30  cards
Lecture 31- Neurotrophins II
Pic1what were the experiments of ...,
What did rita levi montalcini do,
What did the initial experiments ...
29  cards
Lecture 32- Neurotrophins III
What are the two forms of ngf pap...,
Pic1what is the structure of ngf ...,
What ngf form is the more common ...
35  cards
Lecture 33- Developmental disorders I
What are the stages of neural dev...,
How common are perturbations in n...,
What happens when there is a disr...
26  cards
Lecture 34- Developmental disorders II
How does the dendritic arbor develop,
Pic1how do dendritic spines acqui...,
What is the definition of mental ...
30  cards

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developmental neurobiology

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