dental nurse sedation

This class was created by Brainscape user Devon Hansen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Medico-legal aspects M14
Who regulates all aspects of dent...,
Name the two documents which the ...,
What areas must be considered whe...
7  cards
Role of the Dental Nurse M10
What is the name for the inner elbow,
What is the name for the back of ...,
What is needed for cannulation
13  cards
IV sedation M9
What family of drugs does midazol...,
What does anxiolytic mean,
What does hypnotic mean
47  cards
IH sedation M11
Inhalation sedation will be unsuc...,
What is the minimum amount of oxy...,
What is the maximum amount of nit...
53  cards
Equiptment & Monitoring M13
What is a normal body temperature,
What is a normal bp for an adult,
What is a normal pulse range
22  cards
Oral Sedation M12
Drugs used in oral sedation belon...,
Can oral sedation drugs be titrat...,
What are the three most common dr...
19  cards
Patient Selection M5
What is the questionnaire that ma...,
What does asa stand for,
What is the asa physical status c...
27  cards
GDC & Legislation M4
When was the new standards for th...,
For consent to be valid it must be,
What legislations 3 are concerned...
9  cards
The Heart & Respiration M6
This illness occurs in childhood ...,
Which illness can cause spasmodic...,
The doh department of health reco...
50  cards
Cross Infection - M2
What temperature do autoclaves he...,
How long does an autoclave hold for,
What pressure does an autoclave h...
7  cards
Health & Safety - M3
In terms of health and safety wha...,
What does hse stand for,
What is fire safety in the workpl...
11  cards

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dental nurse sedation

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