decision theory and games

This class was created by Brainscape user Chris Jenkins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 2
4 steps of presentation of decisi...,
What does step 4 ensure 2,
2 natural preference conditions a...
9  cards
Lecture 3
What does it mean if a subject ha...,
Learn table in notes,
3 types of ingredients in a decis...
10  cards
Lecture 4
Define preference,
What is a preference relation
20  cards
Lecture 6
What is the classical view,
When is the classical view best used,
See slides 8 and 9
7  cards
Lecture 7
What kind of probabilities are in...,
What do prospects under risk do
19  cards
Lecture 8
In finance risk neutral,
How can risk averseness partly ex...,
What is meant by the following te...
14  cards
Lecture 5
How is uncertainty modelled what ...,
Special name for states under unc...,
What are events
24  cards
Lecture 9
When calculating decision under u...,
When calculating decision under r...,
Explain 3 steps to determining on...
9  cards
Lecture 10
What is the allais paradox,
See notes for example for a b and...,
What is the independence axiom
18  cards
What type of decision models allo...,
What does rank dependent utility ...,
What is probability sensitivity
9  cards
What will the formal definition l...,
Define a game,
11  cards
Define formally a nash equilibrium,
Why is a solution that isnt a ne ...,
How do we know that if eofdeds un...
5  cards
3 parts to a decision game tree,
2 methods to find equilibrium in ...,
When wont backwards induction yie...
7  cards
What is behavioural game theory,
Explain how risk attitudes may af...,
What is level k thinking cognitiv...
7  cards
Define social choice theory,
Define preference aggregation,
What is the common rule for prefe...
14  cards
What is the utilitarianism view,
Explain what harsanyi proposed,
What 2 conditions of individual a...
7  cards

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decision theory and games

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