This class was created by Brainscape user Arpita Khare. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Lecture 1
What are the three steps in crypt...,
What is a cipher,
What is the main property of a ci...
14  cards
Lecture 2 - Stream Ciphers
Requirement of a one time pad,
What is shannon s perfect secrecy,
When can you say the cipher has p...
14  cards
Lecture 3 - Block Ciphers, DES
Semantic security,
What makes one time key semantica...,
Are stream ciphers semantically s...
18  cards
Lecture 4
What makes aes better than 3des,
For each round of aes what consis...,
Why is aes faster
16  cards
Lecture 5
What are some key qualities of no...,
Why do you need extra encryption ...,
When is cbc padding needed
23  cards
Lecture 6-Authenticated Encryption
When is nonce based encryption be...,
Merkle damgard iterated construction,
Davies meyer
16  cards
Lecture 7-Basic Key Exchange
What is tls and why shouldn t we ...,
How does tls decryption work,
What is the padding oracle attack...
17  cards
Lecture 8-Public Key Cryptography/RSA
What is the importance of modular...,
What is fermat s theorem,
What is eulers generalization of ...
8  cards
Lecture 9-Digital Signatures
What main types of attacks is rsa...,
How to use rsa,
What is pkcs1
20  cards
Lecture 10-Identification and Authentication
What is the basic purpose of fiat...,
Public key certification,
How does public key certification...
13  cards
Lecture 11-Kerberos, Network Security
What is the main most important p...,
When if the fiat shamir protocol ...,
Where is fiat shamir used in prac...
22  cards
Lecture 12-Anonymous Communication, Cryptocurrencies
Review what does ip authenticatio...,
Review what does encapsulating se...,
What is wired equivalent privacy wep
19  cards
Lecture 13-Hardware Security
Recall onion routing vs tor,
Recall what is the basic process ...,
Zerocoin summary
23  cards
Lecture 14-Quantum
Kerberos vs tls,
Rare event removal,
Design obfuscation
14  cards

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