comm 222: organizational behavior

This class was created by Brainscape user Cesar A. Contla. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Chapter 2: personality and learning
What is personality,
Where does personality come from,
Do people have a variety of perso...
66  cards
Chapter 3: perception, attribution and diversity
What is perception,
What do people base their actions...,
What are the components of percep...
35  cards
chapter 4: what are values
What are values,
How are values motivational,
How are values very general
83  cards
chapter 5: theories of work motivation
What is motivation,
What are the four basic character...,
What does direction as a characte...
72  cards
interesting multiple choice questions for the midterm
Perceptual defence is a the tende...,
Which of the following statements...,
Which of the following statements...
24  cards
chapter 6: motivation in practice
How can money be a motivator,
What type of motivator is money t...,
How can job design be a motivator...
43  cards
chapter 7: groups and teamwork
What are groups,
Why is group membership important,
What are formal groups why are th...
70  cards
chapter 8: social influence, socialization, and culture
Organizational culture,
How are organization norms determ...,
What do organization norms lead t...
30  cards
Test 2 MCQ
An interesting job that pays well...,
Some researchers have argued that...,
Which of the following statements...
15  cards
chapter 9: leadership
What does effective leadership do,
Strategic leadership long term im...
77  cards
chapter 12: ethics
Moral consequences,
28  cards
chapter 11: decision making
Define decision making,
What does decision making involve,
When does a problem exist
94  cards
chapter 13: conflict and stress
Interpersonal conflict,
What does interpersonal conflict ...,
What are the causes of interperso...
59  cards

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comm 222: organizational behavior

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