This class was created by Brainscape user Jordan Crystal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Cognitive Psychology - Introduction
The mind creates and controls men...,
The mind is a system that creates...,
What does this sentence emphasise...
49  cards
Cognitive Psychology- Methods and Tasks
Paivios work on memory using a me...,
Imagine a map of your state that ...,
A technique in which an electrode...
61  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Cognitive Neuroscience
_____ dominated early research be...,
Neurons that respond to specific ...,
One experiments that supports ___...
28  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Perception
The task of determining the objec...,
Peoples ability to recognise an o...,
The phenomenon that described the...
48  cards
Cognitive Psychology- Attention
In a dichotic listening experimen...,
The amount of information people ...,
Tasks that are well practiced and...
35  cards
Cognitive Psychology - STM & Working Memory
The types of memory indicated by ...,
Dynamic processes associated with...,
Rehearsal is an example of ______...
50  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Long Term and Short Term Memory Structure
One of the problems with stm is t...,
The problem with stm led to the p...,
A classic experiment by murdock j...
61  cards
Cognitive Psychology- LTM: Encoding, Retrieval & Consolidation
The process of acquiring informat...,
Bringing information into conscio...,
Encoding refers to the _______ us...
60  cards
Cognitive Psychology- Everyday Memories and Memory Errors
Memory for specific experiences f...,
The enhanced memory for adolescen...,
How many hypothesis are described...
41  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Conceptual Knowledge
According to this approach to cat...,
Wittgenstein proposed the idea of...,
The idea that things in a particu...
62  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Language
A system of communication using s...,
The _______ nature of language me...,
The ____ _____ nature of language...
37  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Visual Imagery
A type of mental imagery involvin...,
Experiencing a sensory impression...,
The debate about whether thought ...
116  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Problem Solving & Creativity
N obstacle between a present stat...,
Problem solving for the ________ ...,
The process of changing a problem...
95  cards
Cognitive Psychology - Judgements, Decisions and Reasoning
Reasoning that involves syllogism...,
Reasoning in which a conclusion f...,
Quality of a syllogism whose conc...
66  cards
Conceptual Knowledge QUIZ
States that our ability to differ...,
Patients were able to identify no...,
Assume that we start with a large...
16  cards
When comparing garden path and co...,
When we hear the sentence the wom...,
The principle of _____ ______ l
47  cards
June notices the colour of a writ...,
June is learning a list of words ...,
June is learning a list of words ...
140  cards
When the process of analogical pr...,
Gestalt psychologists consider pr...,
Gentner and goldinmeadow 2003 ill...
55  cards
1 when sam listens to his girlfri...,
2 which of the following is an ex...,
3 dichotic listening occurs whena...
52  cards
Responding more quickly to the wo...,
Participants read john was trying...,
If you read about somebody flying...
27  cards
The inability to encode or retain...,
The episodic buffer in baddley s ...,
Shanta has frontal lobe damage sh...
295  cards
Early studies of brain tissue tha...,
The neuron doctrine isa in agreem...,
Action potentials occur in thea c...
45  cards
Which of the following terms does...,
The ________ refers to how neuron...,
Characteristics associated with t...
59  cards

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cognition and human performance

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