This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Seabrook. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Climate sensitivity,
Climate proxy
12  cards
Science and Impacts
What is climate,
What is climate change,
Examples of observed climate vari...
38  cards
Climate Reconstruction
Why did past climates change,
What is climate sensitivity,
When did central england temperat...
30  cards
Paleoclimate change
What can we learn from past climates,
Which past epoch is the best anal...,
What were co2 concentrations duri...
32  cards
Earth's energy balance
What is the temperature of an obj...,
How does earth give out heat,
Solar radiation is
19  cards
Heat Fluxes
If no heat redistribution occurre...,
Define meridional,
What causes heat redistribution i...
5  cards
Climate Forcing
What does a positive forcing corr...,
Does aerosol cause a positive or ...
2  cards
Natural Variability
What kind of system is climate,
How is a double pendulum a good e...,
What is weather noise
30  cards
Carbon Cycle
What is the carbon cycle,
Current atmospheric co2 concentra...,
How does carbon release in the pa...
29  cards
Chemical and biogeochemical effects
How does the ability of the ocean...,
How do phytoplankton respond to i...,
What chemical processes do we nee...
38  cards
Radiative forcing
What does the global warming pote...,
What is the global warming potent...,
What is a well mixed greenhouse gas
30  cards
Aerosol forcing
What is radiative forcing,
How will co2 change in the future,
What is an aerosol
52  cards
Climate modelling
Why do we use climate models,
What is a climate model,
What do computer programs integrate
28  cards

More about
climate change

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