classics- love and relationshipsss

This class was created by Brainscape user Bryttain Cannan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

What does stele mean,
What does oikos mean,
What does virtus mean
28  cards
visual sources
What does the grace of stele of h...,
What does the portrait of the bak...,
What does the marble statue of ap...
4  cards
modern scholarship
What does ja rothchild say about ...,
What does ja rothchild say about ...,
What did emile stocquart say abou...
11  cards
What are the five ideals for a gr...,
Who is a key example of an ideal ...,
What was expected of greek women
22  cards
What are the two ideal qualities ...,
What are the four ideals for a ro...,
What was important in the roman r...
27  cards
What were plato s 4 big ideas,
Where was symposium set,
What does phaedrus say about love
39  cards
When was seneca active in politics,
When did seneca fall out of favour,
When did seneca return and why
46  cards
Seneca Scholarship
What does campbell say to explain...,
What does motto say about senecas...,
What does motto say about the the...
17  cards
plato scholarship
What does goldhill say about love...,
What does ferrari say about plato...,
What does ferrari say about socra...
13  cards
sappho scholarship
What interpretation does leftkowi...,
What does o higgins say about loe...,
What does o higgins say about loe...
28  cards
sappho context
What is the only complete work we...,
What is sappho famous for,
What is one reason we have so lit...
27  cards
Small Scholarship
What does papadimitopoulos say ab...,
What does gill say about alcibiad...,
What does o rrelis say about plat...
12  cards
Ovid Schollarship
What does john thibault say about...,
What does roy gibson say about hu...,
What does peter too hey say about...
10  cards
Ovid And Sappho Quotes
Sappho loeb 16 i would rather see...,
It s shameful for a girl not to k...,
He burns alas with slow fires ovid
5  cards

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classics- love and relationshipsss

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