This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Doman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Active citizenship
What are two barriers to citizen ...,
How can citizens participate in t...,
What other opportunities are ther...
34  cards
Active citizenship-bringing about change in the legal system
How can citizens participate in t...,
Explain the role of a jury,
What is a magistrate
11  cards
Active citizenship- how can citizens bring about political change
Define what is meant by an e peti...,
What is an issue with being part ...,
Give example of websites which co...
24  cards
Politics and participation- where does political power reside
What principle is a democratic go...,
Features of a democracy,
What type of democracy is the uk
37  cards
Politic and participation- local and devolved government
Notes about local government,
Describe the role of the local go...,
How is the local government struc...
50  cards
Politics and participation – where does political power reside
How many seats are in the house o...,
What date are general elections t...,
Who decides when a general electi...
78  cards
Politics and participation- how do others govern themselves
What is the largest party in the ...,
How often do european parliament ...,
When are the next elections due f...
24  cards
Life in modern Britain- values that underpin British society
List the british values,
What is meant by the term right,
What is meant by the term morals
17  cards
Life in modern Britain- what do we mean by identity
What was the estimated population...,
What percentage of the uk populat...,
What is the population of scotland
30  cards
Life in modern Britain- role of the media and the free press
What is meant by the term mass media,
What is traditional media,
What is new media
21  cards
Life in modern Britain- the UKs role in key international organisations
In what year was the un established,
How many members are in the un se...,
Who are the five permanent member...
39  cards
Rights and responsibilities- what laws does a society require
Define the rule of law,
List the four things someone stan...,
Laws cannot be you cannot be trie...
16  cards
Rights and responsibilities- what are a citizens rights and responsibilities within the legal system
Name the 5 parts of the justice s...,
What are the duties of the police,
What is the role of a police cons...
32  cards

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