This class was created by Brainscape user tish bullman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (108)

Cardio L8 Drug therapy 1
Mechanism of cardiac ap,
Phase 4 diastolic period process ...,
Phase 0 process notes
78  cards
Cardio L10 Tissue Fluid and Oedema
Types of capillary,
Metabolite exchange across the ca...,
Fluid exchange across the capilla...
25  cards
Cardio L3 ECG
Electrical conducting system cons...,
Valsalva manouevure,
Sinoatrial node 5
36  cards
Cardio L14 Hypertension
Hypertension definition,
Hypertension prevalence,
Isolated systolic hypertension
45  cards
Cardio L16 Drug therapy 2 Hypertension
Secondary hypertension aetiology,
Typical feature of hypertensive h...,
Treatment 7 example
36  cards
Cardio Symposium Secondary Hypertension
Conn s syndrome primary hyperaldo...,
Conn s syndrome primary hyperaldo...,
Conn s syndrome primary hyperaldo...
24  cards
Cardio L7 Tissue blood flow
The key role of the vascular syst...,
The distribution of blood flow is,
Arterioles function
54  cards
Cardio L6 Pump Function
0  cards
Cardion L20 22 Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis definition,
Tunica media,
Tunica media
30  cards
Cardio L26 Drug therapy 3
Angina definition,
Clinical definition of angina,
Angina pectoris
56  cards
Cardio L18 Thrombosis
Blood clot,
When a thrombus forms
56  cards
Cardio L28 Drug theraoy 4 Heart Failure
Chronic heart failure is a syndro...,
Chronic heart failure,
Hf causes
53  cards
Cardio L15 Integrated Responses
Central venous pressure cvp,
Cvp measurement,
Cvp examination
32  cards
Endo-Repro L12 Male 1
Seminiferous tubule,
Sertoli cells,
Myoid cells
32  cards
Endo-Repro L13 Male 2
Spermatogenesis within seminifero...
40  cards
Endo-Repro L14 Thyroid drugs
Thyroid hormone synthesis and sec...,
Regulation of thyroid hormone rel...,
Actions of thyroid hormone
16  cards
Endo-Repro L7 Adrenal Glands
3 major structural components,
Medulla developed from,
Adrenal vasculature
33  cards
Endo-Repro L17 Female 1
Cortex comprises of,
Follicles consist of,
Development of egg
36  cards
Endo-Repro Anatomy 1
Inferior hypogastric,
Internal iliac artery add diagram...,
Muscles of pelvic sidewall and th...
39  cards
Cardio L24 Athersclerosis
Inflammatory cells,
26  cards
Cardio L19 Antocoagulants 1
Haemostasis a result of 3 compone...,
Drugs used in clotting and bleedi...
50  cards
Cardio L17 Blood Clotting
Blood clotting the need,
Problems associated with blood cl...,
A blood clot consists of a
55  cards
Endo-Repro Anatomy 2
Ovary position,
Ovary ligaments,
Ovary blood supply venous drainage
65  cards
Endo-Repro L26 The Fetus and its Preparations for birth:
Pattern of fetal growth is determ...,
Pattern of fetal growth is modula...,
Pattern of fetal growth is hormones
42  cards
Endo-Repro L27 Fetal Organ System
The intrauterine environment reli...,
Foetus is not dormant,
Adaptations of the fetal cardiova...
38  cards
Endo-Repro L29
1st stage,
2nd stage,
3rd stage
41  cards
Endo-Repro L30 Contraception
Hormonal contraception,
Combined oral contraceptive pill ...,
Combined oral contraceptive pill ...
39  cards
Drugs Neuro
125  cards
MSK L3 Joint structure and function
Classification of joints,
Classification of joints accordin...,
Classification of joints accordin...
102  cards
MSK L5 Bone and Cartilage
Matrix made up of,
Matrix inorganic mineral made up of,
Matrix inorganic mineral function
57  cards
MSK 6 Inflammatory Arthropathies
Inflammatory arthropathies common...,
Rheumatoid arthritis cause,
Rheumatoid arthritis early signs
50  cards
MSK L9 Skin and Wound infections
0  cards
MSK L9 Skin and Wound Infections
Soft tissue infection common orga...,
Staphyococcus aureus,
Streptococcus pyogenes
69  cards
MSK L11 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Clinical signs,
Radiological signs
29  cards
MSK L10 Bone and Joint Infections
Endodontic and periapical dental ...,
Causes of chronic monoarticular a...,
Spinal tuberculosis pott disease ...
25  cards
MSK Muscle disorders
Types of muscle disorder,
Muscular dystrophies characterise...,
Muscular dystrophies types
31  cards
MSK L15 Osteoporosis
Bone structure,
Macroarchitecture and bone strength,
Microarchitecture and bone strength
36  cards
MSK 17 Ageing of the Musculoskeletal System
Sarcopaenia definition,
Sarcopaenia determinants of muscl...,
Sarcopaenia muscle fibre atrophy ...
34  cards
MSK L18 and L19 Osteoarthritis I & II
Evidence for a genetic cause of oa
45  cards
MSK L22 Stem Cells Mo shariff
Escs show,
Esc s derived from,
Human embryonic germ cells derive...
22  cards
MSK L16 Pharmacology MSK
Drugs used in ra,
Dmards role,
Molecular mechanisms in ra highly...
38  cards
Cardio Anatomy 1 and Cardio 2 Anatomy
Thorax mediastinum of the bony th...,
Thorax mediastinum of the bony th...,
Thorax mediastinum of the bony th...
39  cards
MSK Anatomy 1 --> Upper Limb
Sternoclavicular type of joint,
Sternoclavicular stabilised by,
Acromioclavicular type of joint
67  cards
MSK Anatomy 2 --> Lower Limb
Hip joint type of joint,
Hip joint stabilised by,
Identify the ligaments of the hip...
67  cards
Seminar C Osteoporosis
Trabecular bone action,
Bone consists of,
Organic phase
81  cards
Seminar H - Back Pain
Common conditions 0 15,
Common conditions 15 30,
Common conditions 30 50
59  cards
Seminar A arthritis
Types of arthritis and rheumatism,
Soft tissue rheumatism,
Localised rheumatoid
26  cards
Seminar G - Connective Tissue Disease
Ehlers danlos syndrome,
Organ specific autoimmune disease
10  cards
Seminar G - SLE
27  cards
Seminar G - Systemic Sclerosis
Peak age
16  cards
Seminar G Sjorgens Syndrome
Principal features,
Primary syndrome
24  cards
Seminar G Antiphospholipid antibody
Clinical manifestations,
Syndrome confirmed by detection of,
3  cards
Seminar G Polyarteritis Nodosa
Clinical features,
Association with
5  cards
Seminar G Vasculitides
Think of vasculitis when patient ...
36  cards
Seminar G Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis
Female male
17  cards
Seminar O - Opthamology section 1
Presenting complaint,
Hx of pc,
Past occular history
8  cards
Seminar O - Opthamology Section 2
Lids common conditions,
Conjunctiva common conditions,
Common conditions sclera
96  cards
FN: Anti-phospholipid Syndrome
11  cards
Histopath - Paediatric Pathology
Complications of preterm birth,
Cause of necrotising entercolitis,
Necrotising entercolitis
18  cards
Histopathology --> Colonic Pathology
Crohn s disease epi
88  cards
Histopathology Skeletal pathology
Developmental disorders,
Systemic or generalised disorders,
Neoplastic disease
31  cards
Histopathology Upper Gi tract
Oesophagus length,
Inflammatory oesophagus conditions,
Oesophageal histology
62  cards
Histopathology Liver disease
Benign types,
Haemangioma description
59  cards
Haematology: introduction to blood cells
Composition of blood,
Erythrocytes contain and function,
Centrifuged whole blood the sample
61  cards
Microbiology Antibiotics 1
Beta lactams type,
Penicillin discovery,
Penicillin resistance via
39  cards
Microbiology Antibiotics 2
Fluoroquinolones example,
Aminoglycosides example,
Glycopeptides example
74  cards
Histopathology - Gynaecological Pathology
Fallopian tube,
50  cards
Microbiology Fungal Infections
Pathogenic fungi,
32  cards
Microbiology Lower Resp Tract infections
Definition of lrti,
Normal flora of the lrt,
Abnormal flora of lrt
102  cards
Haematology Coagulation 1
Cell based haemostasis model invo...,
Enable regulated generation of,
Thrombin polymerises
50  cards
Haematology Coagulation 2
Haemophilia description,
Haemophilia a,
Haemophilia b
76  cards
Haematology Anaemia
Who definition of anaemia,
Anemia varies by,
Most useful parameter when assess...
70  cards
Haematology Transfusion
Blood donors,
Apheresis donation and therapy,
69  cards
Haematology Lymphoma
Lymphoma types,
3 types of lymphoma,
Low grade examples
41  cards
Histopathology Endocrine Pathology
Thyroid cellular structure,
Thyroid secretes,
Thyroid function
94  cards
Histopathology Renal Pathology
Functions of the kidney,
Nephrotic syndrome chronic,
Nephritic syndrome acute
84  cards
Haematology Haemoglobinopthies
Main haemoglobin in adults,
103  cards
Histopathology Respiratory Pathology 1 and 2
Microscopic structure of alveolar...,
The alveolar epithelium,
The pluera consists of
89  cards
Microbiology Antiviral therapy
Aciclovir type of drug,
Aciclovir moa,
Aciclovir process
108  cards
Biochemistry - Pituitary Function and Pituitary Disease
39  cards
Microbiology Enteric Infections
Less common,
Performed toxins
72  cards
Biochemistry Thyroid
Thyroid hormone,
T4 secretion,
T3 secretion
55  cards
Biochemistry Pituitary and Adrenal
Conditions with increased acth lo...,
From cholesterol produces,
Cortisol epi production rate
64  cards
Biochemistry Pregnancy and Fertility
Definition of sub fertility cumul...,
Causes of subfertility,
Assessment of ovulation progester...
42  cards
Biochemistry Acid-Base Balance
Acid base balance is,
Acid base metabolism,
Carbon dioxide is
58  cards
Haematology Acute leukaemias
Leukaemia biology and general fea...,
Main clinical problems include,
Acute leukaemia types
48  cards
Biochemistry Hypo and Hyper natraemia
2 interfaces,
Cell membrane balance of osmotic ...,
Acute hyponatraemia description
48  cards
Biochemistry Enzymes and Biomarkers
Enzymes are,
Serum enzyme activity is a marker of,
63  cards
Histopathology Breast Pathology
Anatomy of the breast disease,
The tdlu formed by
74  cards
Biochemistry Renal Function
Glomerular function tests,
Functions of the kidney,
Synthetic activity of the kidney
31  cards
Biochemistry of Renal Failure
Functions of the kidney,
Excretion homeostasis,
Endocrine functions
39  cards
Haematology Myeloproliferative Disorders
Myeloproliferative disorders desc...,
Myeloproliferative disorders epi,
Myeloproliferative disorders thre...
44  cards
Microbiology Infective Endocarditis and Bacteraemia
Epidemiology prevalence,
Epi prognosis
35  cards
Biochemistry Diabetes and Hypoglycaemia
Natural history of type 2 diabetes,
Pattern of disease
60  cards
Biochemistry Lipids
Lipoproteins types,
Bad non hdl,
59  cards
Biochemistry Potassium
Intracellular potassium,
Plasma extracellular
54  cards
Microbiology Hot topics from the tropics
Parasites infecting man can be su...,
Malaria a disease caused by,
Malaria incidence
42  cards
Microbiology TB
Mtb complex,
Non cultivatable mycobacterium
37  cards
Histopathology Male Genital System 1 and 2
87  cards
Microbiology Severe Sepsis
Sirs systemic inflammatory respon...,
41  cards
Microbiology Bone and Joint infections
Osteomyelitis description,
Osteomyelitis pathogenesis requires,
Osteomyelitis 3 types
39  cards
Histopathology Cardiovascular Disease
Ischaemic heart disease definition,
Ischaemic heart disease factors t...,
Atherosclerotic stenosis epi
41  cards
CVS Angina Pectoris
Risk factors modifiable,
Risk factors non modifiable
23  cards
Systems review questions
10  cards
FN: Diabetic Ketoacidosis
19  cards
FN: Dysphagia
Inflammatory causes
23  cards
FN: Dyspepsia
Alarm symptoms,
12  cards
Symptoms oesophageal
17  cards

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