This class was created by Brainscape user Sally Irwin . Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

1. introduction and nomenclature
When work is done on model organi...,
What is cancer,
What does this general descriptio...
46  cards
2. cell cycle
What are three types of systems t...,
How can people be used for cancer...,
What can epidemiology show us abo...
99  cards
3. Rb control
Name three dna viruses that can g...,
What is the range of genome size ...,
What are three properties of smal...
67  cards
4. p27 and quiescence
Give an example of a protein that...,
How were cdk associated proteins ...,
What does the yeast 2 hybrid syst...
41  cards
5. p16 and senescence
What has p16 been shown to intera...,
How often is p16 mutated in cance...,
Describe the structure of p16
74  cards
6. finer points of cell cycle control
Phosphorylation can be inhibitory...,
When cdk2 from g0 and late g1 pha...,
Where is cdk2 phosphorylated and ...
67  cards
7. signalling
What are rich in potential viral ...,
What is the receptor at the top o...,
Name the central kinase that perf...
63  cards
8. p53
What can cause dna damage,
What types of genetic lesions can...,
What do we not want to tolerate a...
64  cards
12. cancer epigentics 1
Define two things that cause cancer,
What is epigenetics,
What is lamarckian inheritance
54  cards
13. cancer epigentics 2
How thick is chromatin fibre and ...,
Name the chromatin remodeller tha...,
Name the chromatin remodellers th...
64  cards
14. cancer, iPSC reprogramming and de-differentiation
Where do tumour initiating cells ...,
Over proliferation does not neces...,
Why are tumour initiating cells l...
66  cards
15. cacner and developmental biology
How many neurons are in the adult...,
Give three ways that neurons can ...,
When a stem cells divides what ca...
66  cards
16. angiogenesis
What makes 999 of cancers fatal a...,
What can be done medically to met...,
What is angiogenesis and why is i...
72  cards
17. metastasis
Name the process by which tumour ...,
Describe the basic structure of i...,
Where is a tumour most likely to ...
92  cards
18. radiotherapy and chemotherapy
What is clinical efficacy,
When someone has cancer what are ...,
What do many cancer treatment tar...
103  cards
19. hormone dependent cancer
Where is the prostate gland,
What happens when their is overgr...,
The prostate gland is a secretory...
114  cards
20. hormone therpay for cancer
What was john hunter the first pe...,
What does castration lead to in t...,
What are breast and prostate canc...
75  cards
21. personalised therapy
Why is there a push for more focu...,
Leukaemia is uncontrolled haemato...,
What cells do clp give rise to wh...
71  cards
22. theraputic stratergies
What is oncogene addiction,
Give an example of an oncogene wh...,
What is mutated in 80 of lung cancer
60  cards
23&24. tumour immunology
What did it take 20 years of rese...,
What are immune checkpoints and h...,
How did the former us present ben...
122  cards
25&26. tumour immonology
0  cards
27. tumour metabolism
What are the hallmarks of cancer,
What four hallmarks were added in...,
What is an important driver of ca...
66  cards
28. DIY tumours
What properties about cells from ...,
What did a paper in the 80s try a...,
What do embryonic fibroblasts not...
52  cards
9. p53
Name the major regulator of p53 a...,
What was mdm2 gene clones as,
When mdm2 is over expressed what ...
60  cards

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