business management and enterprise year 11 atar

This class was created by Brainscape user Max Meyer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Types of Business Ownership (Chapter 1)
What is a sole trader,
What are some,
What are 4 disadvantages of a sol...
19  cards
The Legal Framework of a Business (Chapter 2)
What is the australian consumer l...,
What does the acl cover,
What is the definition of mislead...
22  cards
Economic Impact on Businesses (Chapter 3)
What are some factors influencing...,
What is unemployment,
What are some examples of how une...
18  cards
Business Public Image (Chapter 4)
What is the definition of public ...,
What is the definition of branding,
What is greenwashing
11  cards
Markets (Chapter 5)
What is the definition of marketing,
What is the definition of a market,
What is market size
13  cards
Marketing Mix (Chapter 6)
What is the definition of marketi...,
What is the definition of the 4p ...,
What is the definition of product
30  cards
Profiling Customers and Competition (Chapter 7)
What is market research,
What is primary research,
What is secondary research
9  cards
Organisational Structures (Chapter 8)
What is the definition of a manag...,
What is the definition of a manag...,
What are the 3 levels of a typica...
19  cards
The Employment Cycle (Chapter 9)
What is the definition of the emp...,
What are the 4 stages of the empl...,
What is the definition of acquisi...
43  cards
Business in Society (Chapter 10)
What are some characteristics of ...,
What are some characteristics of ...,
What are 2 potential effects resu...
9  cards
The Legal Framework of Business (Chapter 11)
What does the act require labels ...,
Who determines trading hours for ...,
What does the children s televisi...
7  cards
Protecting Intellectual Property (Chapter 12)
What is the definition of intelle...,
What is the definition of competi...,
Who is responsible for the regist...
18  cards
Marketing Strategy (Chapter 13)
What is the definition of the pro...,
What are the 4 stages of the prod...,
Why is the concept of the product...
13  cards
Business Plans (Chapter 14)
What is the purpose of a business...,
What are the 8 elements of a busi...,
What is the definition of an exec...
11  cards
Monitoring Operations (Chapter 15)
What is the purpose of a budget,
What is the purpose of a balance ...,
What is the purpose of a profit a...
17  cards
Management Styles (Chapter 16)
What are the 3 types of leadershi...,
What are 3 characteristics of an ...,
What are 3 advantages of an autoc...
10  cards
Employee Motivation (Chapter 17)
Explain the motivation theory mas...,
Explain the motivation theory her...
12  cards

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business management and enterprise year 11 atar

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