This class was created by Brainscape user Spencer Taylor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Condition Of Ireland And Anglo-Irish Relations 1851-1886
When was the great famine,
What did the great famine cause,
Who owned the majority of the lan...
43  cards
Economic Developments 1886-1914
How were smaller firms hit hard i...,
When were export values of the 18...,
When were cotton good export valu...
41  cards
Economic developments 1851-1886
How did the repeal of the corn la...,
What improvements were made to pe...,
How did farming methods improve
42  cards
Society and social changes 1851-1886
What groups were the upper class ...,
What happened to the real incomes...,
What was the growth of the middle...
11  cards
Trade Unions and unionism 1886-1914
Trade union membership in 1888,
Why did new unionism emerge,
How were new unions different fro...
32  cards
The condition of Ireland and Anglo-Irish relations 1886-1914
Seats won by liberals in 1885,
Seats won by irish parliamentary ...,
How many seats ddi the liberal lo...
25  cards
Social developments 1914-1939
What occurred as a result of a fa...,
Greater variety of fresh food,
What prepackaged goods became ava...
37  cards
Economic developments 1939-1964
Decrease in britain s world manuf...,
Balance of payment crises,
How did the coalition government ...
42  cards
Developments in social policy 1939-1964
0  cards
The issue of female emancipation 1886-1914
Suffragist movement,
Suffragette movement,
Who controlled the suffragettes
24  cards
The role of women during and after the war 1914-1964
Female remembers of the trade uni...,
Women working in ammunition facto...,
Women working in the women s land...
17  cards
Churchill Leadership
How many troops were evacuated at...,
Dunkirk spirit,
War going badly for britain
13  cards
Labour landslide of 1945
Churchill didn t want a general e...,
Labour popular vote,
Conservative popular vote
17  cards
Conservative dominance from 1951 and postwar consensus
Conservative majoity 1951,
Why was a second election called ...,
Labour government was unpopular
34  cards
Labour victory in 1964
Labour seat share,
Conservative seat share,
Labour s campaign slogan
4  cards

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british history

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