brain and behaviour

This class was created by Brainscape user Andrea Agnel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Vertebral Column
What is a jefferson fracture,
What is an odontoid fracture when...,
What is a hangmans fracture
12  cards
Autonomic Nervous System
0  cards
Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
0  cards
What do neuroendocrine cells do a...,
Where are parvocellular and magno...,
Where do parvocellular neurons pr...
24  cards
Cells and communication in the nervous system
What are the functions of the ner...,
What is sensation,
What is integration
31  cards
Basal Ganglia
What nuclei make up the striatum,
What nuclei make up the pallidum,
What nuclei make up the lentiform...
15  cards
Ascending tracts and sensation
What does meissner corpuscle detect,
What does pacinian corpuscle detect,
What do ruffini endings detect
54  cards
Descending tracts and reflexes
Within what fissure of the brain ...,
Where is the primary motor cortex,
What lobe of the brain are the mo...
59  cards
Cranial Nerves
Name the 3 different types of fos...,
What symptom might you have if th...,
What symptom might you have if th...
63  cards
Skull, meninges and ventricular system
What are the names of the 3 sutur...,
What is the neruocranium,
What is the viscerocranium
36  cards
Special Senses
What does cn i innervate,
How do cn i fibres pass from the ...,
What is retronasal breathing vs o...
51  cards
What are the two types of stroke,
What can cause haemorrhagic stroke,
What causes ischaemic stroke
33  cards
Cerebral Cortex & Limbic System
What parts of the brain are inclu...,
What meningeal structure lies wit...,
What connects the two hemisphere ...
62  cards
Epilepsy (include pharmacology)
What is epilepsy,
How many different types of seizu...,
How can you diagnose epilepsy
52  cards
Eyes: Orbit, Reflexes and Movements
What two movements are needed for...,
What is the ciliary body and what...,
Why is the function of the ciliar...
46  cards
Pain and Analgesics
What is nociceptive pain,
What is neuropathic pain,
If a patient has these symptoms w...
25  cards
Pharmacology of the Basal Ganglia disorders
What is dystonia,
If a patient has writhing movemen...,
If a patient has twitching or jer...
43  cards
Head Trauma
How do you manage uncomplicated h...,
If a patient has taken a fall and...,
What is diffuse axonal injury
10  cards
Intro to CNS anatomy
What do the following primary bra...,
What do these 5 secondary brain v...,
What is the corpus collosum
10  cards
What are the 3 groups that the 9 ...,
What are the 9 cellular hallmarks...,
What is genomic instability
14  cards
Cognitive Testing
How can you assess working memory...,
How can you assess anterograde me...,
How can you assess retrograde mem...
8  cards
Anxiety and Stress
Define fear anxiety and stress,
What are the main classifications...,
What cns areas are involved in an...
22  cards
Infections of the Nervous System
Name the meningeal layers startin...,
What is csf produced by and where...,
Define meningitis
21  cards
Brainstem (uses other resources in addition to lecture)
What are the four somatic motor n...,
What does the oculomotor nucleus ...,
What is special about the trochle...
23  cards
Degeneration and Dementia
What are the different types of n...,
What are the common causes of wal...,
What protein related changes woul...
25  cards
Define ageing,
What can ageing lead to,
Define lifespan
26  cards
Cognitive Assessment
Why is assessing cognition important,
What is cognition,
What is executive functioning
11  cards
What are the three grades of majo...,
What are the symptoms,
Which areas of the brain have inc...
22  cards

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brain and behaviour

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