boards microbio and biochem

This class was created by Brainscape user Sara S. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

Protozoa gi infection,
What disease is caused by giardia...,
What disease is caused by e histo...
20  cards
End of protozoa and begining of helmiths
Trypanosoma cruzi,
Transmission of trypanosoma cruzi...,
What is leishmania donovani
16  cards
cestodes, trematodes, hints
Taenia solium transmission and di...,
Taenia solium treatment,
Diphyllobothrium latum transmissi...
14  cards
vitamins 1
What are the fat soluable vitamin...,
Which water soluable vitamins don...,
What are common results of b comp...
18  cards
vitamins 2
What is the function of vitamin b5,
What is seen in b5 deficiencies,
What is the function of b6
12  cards
vitamins 3
Function of vitamin c,
Vitamin c deficienct,
Vitamin c excess
12  cards
Malnutrition, glycolysis, pyruvate dehydrogenase. see also physical cards
Hexokinase vs glucokinase what re...
15  cards
oxidative phosphorylation poisons, gluconeogenesis stuff, HMP shuttle
What poisons inhibit electron tra...,
What poisons are atp synthase inh...,
What are uncoupling agents for ox...
17  cards
Fructose metabolism and galactose metabolism
Essential fructosuria presentatio...,
Fructose intolerance presentation...,
Fructose intolerance symptoms and...
9  cards
Antifungal Agents
Amphotericin b moa,
Amphotericin b side efects,
Nystatin moa use
18  cards
urea and ammonia
What are the essential amino acids,
What amino acids are most require...,
Symptoms of ammonia intoxication
8  cards
amino acid metabolism
Phenylketonuria what is missing labs,
Findings of pku tx,
What is maternal pku
11  cards
How does glucugon regulate glycog...,
How does epinephrine regulate gly...,
How does epinphephrine regulate g...
13  cards
lipid metab
Cholesterol synthesis lcat and hm...,
Statins target mechanism competit...,
Pancreatic lipase function location
18  cards
Lipid disorders, fatty acid metabolism, and ketones
Type 1 hyperchylomicronemia incre...,
Clinical manifestations of type 1...,
Familial hypercholesterolemia lab...
12  cards
Molecular Biochem
Heterochromatin vs euchromatin,
Where does dna methylation take p...,
Histone methylation vs acetylation
9  cards
More molecular biochem
Xeroderma pigmentosum defect,
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorecta...,
Ataxia telangiactasia defect
16  cards
Molecular biochem and genetics
Dynein vs kinesin,
Kartagener syndrome,
What drugs affect the microtubules
16  cards
Genetics continued
Mccune albright syndrome,
Hardy weinburg equations,
Prader willi symptoms inheritance...
10  cards
Chromosomal problems
Downs syndrome testing,
Important findings with down s,
Edwards syndrome symptoms
11  cards
Basics of microbio
Branching filamentous bacteria gr...,
Bacteria w o cell wall,
What is special about mycobacteria
18  cards
More micro basics
Obligate aerobes,
Obligate anaerobes examples why a...,
Obligate intracellular bugs
11  cards
Bacterial exotoxins
What bacteria and toxins inhibit ...,
Diptheria exotoxin a moa and mani...,
How does shiga toxin work
20  cards
endotoxins and some gram positive stuff p127
What do endotoxins do classic end...,
F x f conjugation vs hfr x f conj...,
6  cards
Penicillin g v moa and resistance,
Penicillin g and v toxicities and...,
Ampicillin amoxicillin moa and re...
22  cards
protein synthesis inhibition abx
Which antibiotics target which pa...,
Aminoglycosides examples mechanism,
Aminoglycosides resistance
18  cards
Sulfonamides, trimethoprim, fluoroquninolones, metronidazole
Sulfonamides mechanism and resist...,
Sulfonamide use,
Sulfonamide toxicity
12  cards
Antimycobacterial drugs
Prophylaxis for tb,
Tx for tb,
Mac prophylaxis
11  cards
Prophylaxis endocarditis with sur...,
Prophylaxis gonorrhea,
Prophylaxis hx of recent utis
11  cards
anti parasite drugs; antivirals
Chloroquine moa,
Chloroquine use,
Chloroquine toxicity
18  cards
HIV drugs and antibiotics that can't be used in pregnancy
Typical haart therapy,
Protease inhibitors drug name mec...,
Ritonavir considerations
19  cards
rate determining enzymes of metabolic processes
Glycolysis for this and all name ...,
Tca cycle
14  cards
lipoprotein stuff
Describe lipoprotein uptake from ...,
Endogenous lipid transport,
Apolipoprotein a
12  cards
Gram negatives
Bartonella henselae presentation ...,
Vibrio cholera presentation class...,
Legionella pneumonia presentation...
25  cards
gram positives
Nocardia classification diseases ...,
Actinomyces classification diseas...,
Listeria monocytogenes classifica...
25  cards
weird bacteria
Rickettsia rickettsii clinical pr...,
Erlichiosis clinical presentation...,
16  cards

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boards microbio and biochem

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