bmsc regional gross anatomy 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Hill. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

How do mobility and stability relate,
Describe a fibrous joint,
The joints between the bones of t...
79  cards
Autonomic Nervous System
Nerve root of axillary nerve,
What do somatic nerves carry,
What does the axillary nerve supp...
55  cards
What is lymph,
Describe the course of lymph,
Lymph is drained from the lymphat...
56  cards
Thoracic Wall
What forms lateral walls of thora...,
Anteriorly the ribs articulate wi...,
Are the scapula and clavicle part...
135  cards
Pleura and lungs
What are the 3 divisions of the t...,
What is the parietal pleura,
What are the 4 parts of the parie...
70  cards
Anterior and Middle Mediastinum
What are the divisions of the med...,
Where is the division between the...,
Where does the transverse thoraci...
158  cards
Superior and Posterior Mediastinum
Superior mediastinum border anterior,
Superior mediastinum border poste...,
Superior mediastinum border inferior
91  cards
Anterolateral Abdominal Wall
What are the 4 quadrants of the a...,
What are the 2 planes that divide...,
What level is the transumbilical ...
115  cards
Inguinal canal and scrotum
How long is the inguinal canal in...,
Why is the inguinal canal particu...,
What nerve is carried in the ingu...
125  cards
What is the peritoneum,
What is the parietal peritoneum,
What is the visceral peritoneum
70  cards
Foregut (stomach and duodenum)
What is contained in the foregut,
What is the arterial blood supply...,
Where is the coeliac axis found o...
105  cards
Foregut (liver and gall bladder)
What are the 4 lobes of the liver,
What 2 lobes can be seen from the...,
The peritoneum of the abdominal w...
66  cards
Foregut (spleen and pancreas)
What are the 4 parts of the pancreas,
Where does the head of the pancre...,
The uncinate process of the pancr...
34  cards
What is meant by the midgut,
Blood to the midgut is from where,
What suspends the jejenum and ile...
68  cards
What is meant by the hindgut,
What is the blood supply of the h...,
Where does the descending colon span
43  cards
Retroperitoneal structures: kidneys and ureter
What does retroperitoneal mean,
What is a primary retroperitoneal...,
Give 4 examples of primary retrop...
84  cards
Posterior abdominal wall
Describe the fascia of the abdomi...,
In the inguinal region the fascia...,
Does the femoral nerve lie within...
117  cards
key facts 1
Pubic bones,
Bones of skull
148  cards
Vertebral column: bones and joints
What are the functions of the ver...,
Bones of the vertebral column,
The primary curvatures are
67  cards
Vertebral column: muscles of the back
What are the 2 divisions of the e...,
What is the function of the super...,
What is the function of the inter...
66  cards
Vertebral column: vertebral canal
Ligaments of the vertebral column...,
What are the 2 subdivisions of li...,
Where does the anterior longitudi...
79  cards
Pectoral girdle and shoulder 1
What are the 3 bony projections o...,
What are the 4 muscles of the rot...,
Where does subscapularis originate
112  cards
Pectoral girdle and shoulder 2: rotator cuff
What is the rotator cuff,
The rotator cuff surrounds the jo...,
What is the most common direction...
27  cards
What fascia encloses subclavius a...,
Where does the clavipectoral fasc...,
What 3 structures pierce the clav...
52  cards
Brachial plexus
The brachial plexus contains nerv...,
Axillary nerve is what roots,
What would the implication of dam...
96  cards
Upper Limb: Arm
What nerve innervates the muscles...,
The musculocutaneous nerve is a t...,
The muscles of the anterior compa...
62  cards
Upper Limb: elbow, cubital fossa and forearm
What is the cubital fossa,
Cubital fossa lateral border,
Cubital fossa medial border
38  cards
Anterior forearm and wrist
What is the anterior compartment ...,
Where is the common flexor origin,
What nerve supplies all but 2 mus...
118  cards
Posterior forearm and dorsum of the hand
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the function of anconeus,
What is the nerve supply of anconeus
94  cards
The hand
What kind of joint is the cmc joi...,
The synovial saddle joint at the ...,
The mcp joints of all the digits are
132  cards

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bmsc regional gross anatomy 1

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