bds4 cds oral surgery

This class was created by Brainscape user Abbie Mitchell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

1. Infection Symposium - Localised Acute Dental Infection
What is the ideal specimen for a ...,
What two microorganisms are assoc...,
What two microorganisms are assoc...
7  cards
2. Infection Symposium - Severe Odontogenic Infection & Sepsis
Define ludwig s angina,
What are the 4 microorganisms ass...,
What toxin does s aureus produce
6  cards
3. Infection Symposium - Antibiotic Resistance Testing & Stewardship
In terms of measuring antibiotic ...,
In terms of measuring antibiotic ...,
What are clinical confounding var...
21  cards
4. Infection Symposium - Spread of Dental Infection
Define ludwig s angina,
What is the main risk a dentist s...,
What are the intra oral features ...
23  cards
7. Infection Symposium - Diseases of Pulp & Periodontium
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the special investigatio...,
What radiographic changes are see...
28  cards
8. Third Molars
At what age do third molars usual...,
When does crown calcification of ...,
When is crown calcification of th...
66  cards
9. Temporomandibular Dysfunction
What is the main blood supply to tmj,
What is the 3 main nerve supplies...,
Does the posterior band of the ar...
40  cards
10. Pre-Prosthetic Surgery
Name some anatomical features whi...,
Define autografts,
Define allografts
8  cards
11. Maxillary Sinus
What are the four facial sinuses,
Embryology when does the sinuses ...,
Embryology what two sinuses are l...
35  cards
12. Soft Tissue Lesions & Biopsy
Name examples of types of biopsy,
What type of blood tests might yo...,
What is the benefit of aspiration...
24  cards
13. Oral Cancer (OMFS)
What is the prognosis for hnc,
What is the main aetiological fac...,
What is the main aetiological fac...
17  cards
18. Zygomatico-Orbital Trauma (OMFS)
What are the four classifications...,
What are the key signs of zygomat...,
Why will a patient suffer limited...
17  cards
19. Bone Grafting & Implantology
What are the four causes of bone ...,
Define autogenous bone graft,
What intra oral areas can be used...
6  cards
Includes anticoagulants, antiplatelets, analgesics.
23  cards
Infection Symposium Summary
Antibiotic resistancedefine intri...,
Antibiotic resistancedefine acqui...,
Antibiotic resistancewhat are thr...
33  cards
Antimicrobial Prescriptions & Their Uses
Antibioticsyour patient has a per...
11  cards
Combined - OM, OMFS, SCD
48  cards
SCR - Oral Surgery/Histology
Fibrous epulis,
Fibrous epulis what is the cause,
Fibrous epulis
18  cards

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bds4 cds oral surgery

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