automotive level 2

This class was created by Brainscape user George Tilley. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Health & Safety
What does riddor stand for,
What does puwer stand for,
What does loler stand for
56  cards
Single Dry-Plate Clutch
Where is the clutch located,
In order of position in the car s...,
As you sit in the driver s seat a...
42  cards
Tools, Fabrication and Measuring Devises
Define malleability,
Define elasticity in terms of metal,
Define toughness in terms of metal
131  cards
Name 3 transmissions you may enco...,
Which type of transmission common...
121  cards
Transmission System Outside the Gearbox
What is one of the functions of t...,
What is the process called when t...,
Which gears are equipped with a s...
44  cards
Clutch pt. 2 and Drive Line
The clutch plate is prone to wear...,
What is the approximate mileage a...,
What do you do in the case of a w...
92  cards
What does cvt stand for,
What is a continuously variable t...,
List 5 advantages of a cvt
16  cards
Crucial Transmission Points
What would excessive free play in...,
What would insufficient free play...,
A clutch emits a constant bearing...
61  cards
Engines - 4-Stroke, 2-Stroke, Camshaft, Cylinder Head, Mechanical Components, Compression Ratio, Engine Block
List 6 components of a cylinder,
How many revolutions of the crank...,
What are the 4 strokes of a 4 str...
57  cards
Engines - Cooling Systems and Air Conditioning
Name a component used to improve ...,
List 2 advantages of air cooling,
Where does the air come from in o...
57  cards
Crucial Engine pt. 1 Points
What does an engine lubrication s...,
What will an eng,
What measurement tool is used to ...
36  cards
G3 Support for Job Roles
If within your job you don t work...,
As you are the last to leave the ...,
The job you are doing has taken l...
30  cards
List 3 qualities that brake fluid...,
What does brake fluid do,
What happens in brake fluid boils
35  cards
Engine 2 - Fuel, Ignition, Air and Exhaust
What is diesel fuel made of,
What is the meaning of the term f...,
What does nox mean
58  cards
Engine oil, air filters, serpentine belt
List 4 important qualities of eng...,
What are the 3 main standards tha...,
What does sae stand for
11  cards
Braking, Steering, Suspension Test
Where is the brake servo usually ...,
What does the term hygroscopic mean,
How will the leading brake shoe wear
41  cards
Air filters, spark plugs, ignition coils
What is the minimum size of a dus...,
What 2 types of air filter are us...,
What does a cyclone air filter do
14  cards
Otto engine, Electronic braking system, hydraulics
What fuel can be used in an otto ...,
What does esp stand for relates t...
17  cards
Servicing Test
List 4 pieces of appropriate vpe,
If a tyre is marked 205 65r15 wha...,
If the front road wheel is set to...
45  cards
Electrics on Electude
1  cards

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automotive level 2

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