This class was created by Brainscape user Jae .. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

English & Language Usage (Vocab)
21  cards
General Anatomy and Phsyiology
What describes cellular respiration,
Which of the following types of t...,
The respiratory system is compose...
25  cards
Respiratory System
Hich of the following is happenin...,
The ______________ is a double la...,
Which of the following lists the ...
17  cards
Cardiovascular System
Diastole is the term that describ...,
Using the provided image choose t...,
Which blood vessel delivers blood...
20  cards
Gastrointestinal System
Which of the following correctly ...,
Of the following organs which has...,
The term _________________ refers...
18  cards
Neuromuscular System
Which of the following parts and ...,
Which of the following incorrectl...,
Which of the following is incorre...
25  cards
Reproductive System
Which of the following is true th...,
Which of the following structures...,
Which of the following is not tru...
17  cards
Integumentary System
Which of the following does not d...,
Which of following glands in the ...,
Which of the following is not tru...
20  cards
Endocrine System
Which of the following is true of...,
Overproduction of thyroid hormone...,
Which of the following statements...
23  cards
Genitourinary System
Which of the following is the cor...,
The basic function of the renal s...,
Certain food sources provide more...
18  cards
Immune System
Which of the following is respons...,
Newborn babies are given several ...,
Which of the following is a nonsp...
22  cards
Skeletal System
Which of the following causes bon...,
Which of the following correctly ...,
______ is an inflammatory conditi...
20  cards
Basic Molecules
Which of the following is not a m...,
Which of the following needs to b...,
N order to break apart a polysacc...
16  cards
Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA
Dna is composed of ____________ t...,
Which of these nitrogenous bases ...,
Which structure contains most of ...
14  cards
Mendel's Laws of Heredity
Joe is blood type a and ivone is ...,
A guinea pig with short orange fu...,
If blue feathers f are dominant o...
17  cards
Basic Atomic Structure
Which of the following statements...,
Isotopes are __________ types of ...,
Which of the following statements...
16  cards
Properties of Substances
Which of the following can be cla...,
Which of the following is a uniqu...,
Which of the following statements...
16  cards
States of Matter
Movement of molecules in a substa...,
Which of the following statements...,
Which of the following definition...
14  cards
Chemical Reactions
Balance the following chemical eq...,
Which type of chemical reaction i...,
Which of the following compounds ...
15  cards
Scientific Measurements / Lab Tools
Which tool is best suited to meas...,
A chemist needs to add 5 l of a r...,
Which would be the approximate ma...
16  cards
Critique Scientific Explanations
Which of the following is an exam...,
Which of the following is not an ...,
Which of the following is necessa...
12  cards
Relationships among events, objects, and processes
Which of the following statements...,
A study draws the conclusion that...,
During a study scientists noted t...
9  cards
Analyze Design of Scientific Investigation
When two plants a and b were plan...,
Why is it important to keep most ...,
Dissolved oxygen do is an importa...
16  cards

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