This class was created by Brainscape user Stefan Pelpola. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Sports Psychology (Paper 2)
Define personality,
What does nature vs nurture mean,
What does nurture mean
302  cards
Exercise Physiology (Paper 2)
What are the two types of carbohy...,
Give characteristics of simple ca...,
Where are simple carbohydrates found
132  cards
Cardiovascular System - Applied Anatomy and Physiology (Paper 1)
What is the definition of health,
What is the definition of fitness,
What is the definition of physica...
115  cards
Respiratory System - Applied Anatomy and Physiology (Paper 1)
Why do we need oxygen,
What is respiration,
What is ventilation
49  cards
The Neuromuscular System - Applied Anatomy and Physiology (Paper 1)
What does the autonomic nervous s...,
How does the autonomic nervous sy...,
How is the movement of muscles co...
59  cards
The Musculoskeletal System - Applied Anatomy and Physiology (Paper 1)
What are the three types of joints,
Fibrous joints are,
Cartilaginous joints are
62  cards
Energy Systems - Applied Anatomy and Physiology (Paper 1)
Where does the energy we use for ...,
What enzyme breaks down atp into adp,
The conversion of fuel into energ...
99  cards
Biomechanical Principles and Levers (Paper 2)
What represents the levers,
What presents joints
167  cards
Skill Acquisition (Paper 1)
Define skill,
Give the meaning of lace face cha...,
What is a continuum
195  cards
Sport and Society (Paper 1)
What was life like in pre industr...,
What is feudal system,
What is popular recreations
130  cards
Sport and Society (Paper 2)
What are the key charactertiscs o...,
What are the functions of physica...,
What are the functions of physica...
123  cards

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aqa a-level pe

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AQA A Level PE
  • 6 decks
  • 751 flashcards
  • 6 learners
Decks: Sports Psychology, Anatomy And Physiology, Sport And Society 1, And more!
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