This class was created by Brainscape user Julissa Hidalgo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

vocab review 1 and 2
28  cards
list review 1 and 2
What are the three fundamental qu...,
What are three important subfield...,
What are the three reasons why th...
10  cards
article review 1 and 2
Human children performed better t...,
According to evolutionary models ...,
If group mindedness is the cause ...
31  cards
concept review 1 and 2
What do we mean when we say that ...,
What is the truth about cultures ...,
What kind of behavior was most re...
19  cards
vocab review 3 and 4
The other boundary maintenance,
Other dichotomy
44  cards
list review 3 and 4
What is boundary maintenance what...,
What are the two reasons why unde...,
What two developments in the west...
12  cards
concept review 3 and 4
What is social darwinism,
What did survival of the fittest ...,
What does the term race imply
18  cards
article review 3 and 4
The measure of america where did ...,
The measure of america what did s...,
The measure of america what did j...
27  cards
vocab 6 7 8
Sacred profane dichotomy,
Profane dichotomy
62  cards
list 6 7 8
What were the two ethnocentric at...,
According to durkheim what three ...,
What are the three essential elem...
17  cards
concept 6 7 8
Why do anthropologists sometimes ...,
What is the navajo word for religion,
In terms of interaction between t...
20  cards
article 6 7 8
Why does lee say that the materia...,
What is weltanschaung religious p...,
Where are the baiga people from
42  cards
vocab 10 11
Genetic editing,
Therapeutic genetics,
Reproductive genetics
20  cards
list review 10 11
What are two main reasons for gen...,
What are the four elements of our...,
What are two reasons for the gene...
8  cards
concept 10 11
What is the third fundamental que...,
Why is out of africa the most imp...,
How would out of africa transform...
22  cards
articles 10 11
What is adderall prescribed for t...,
In the december issue of nature w...,
What might be an argument for hea...
18  cards

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