This class was created by Brainscape user Danielle Rabjohn. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Digestive system
What are the two main groups of d...,
Which of these is not a part of t...,
What are the organs associated wi...
63  cards
Lecture 2
What part of enamel makes it so hard,
Odontoblasts make what
45  cards
Lecture 3
What are the most predominant cel...,
What cells secrete bicarbonate,
What do duodenal glands secrete
80  cards
Lecture 4 (we're getting there!!!)
What is the only part of the gi t...,
What do mumps infect,
What do parotid glands release
73  cards
Lecture 5
What secretes cholecystokinin and...,
What is a major stimulus for gall...,
Cck is a major stimulus for what
57  cards
Lecture 6
Can polysaccharides be digested a...,
What digests proteins,
What converts trypsinogen into tr...
75  cards
Lecture 7
What are the 4 major classes of n...,
What are the 3 other classes of n...,
Essentially all dietary carbohydr...
43  cards
Lecture 8
What percent of atp do we use for...,
What is the rest of atp lost as i...,
What is gluconeogensis
66  cards
Lecture 9 - Start of Exam 2
Who discovere insulin,
Who got the nobel prize for the i...,
With diabetes glucose cannot _____
100  cards
Lecture 10
What is the metabolic hormone,
What is another name for a parafo...,
What is another name for a c cell
99  cards
Lecture 11
What are the only formed elements...,
Name all 5 leukocytes,
What is keukocytosis
83  cards
Lecture 12
What are the 3 key players in ada...,
What cells are associtaed with hu...,
What cells are associated with ce...
55  cards
Lecture 13
What kidney is lower and why,
What kind of organ is the kidney,
Where do you find the kidneys
82  cards
Lecture 14
What determines filtration in the...
1  cards
Lecture 15
What is the full name for adh,
Filtrate at the top of ascending ...,
Why is the filtrate at the top of...
44  cards
Lecture 16
What 3 things have to happen for ...,
Where is the detrusor muscle,
What is the role of the pontine s...
73  cards
Lecture 17
What muscle is especially sensiti...,
Potassium and what moves in oppos...,
Acidosis leads to what effect on k
91  cards
Lecture 18
What is the scrotum,
What is the sack of skin that hou...,
What provides one compartment per...
87  cards
Lecture 19
What is the starting point in spe...,
Name the 4 steps of spermatogenesis,
With each mitotic division of spe...
91  cards
Lecture 20
What is the female gametes,
What are oocytes,
What does aromatase do
98  cards
Lecture 21
What is capacitation,
When does capacitation occur,
Where do you find capacitation in...
78  cards

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anp 1107

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