anatomy: lower limb (based on dave's notes only so far)

This class was created by Brainscape user Janet Rhodes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Anterior compartment of the thigh - subcutaneous tissue and superficial nerves (dave's notes)
List the content of the subcutane...,
What are the cutaneous nerves of ...,
List the cutaneous nerves of the ...
10  cards
Anterior compartment of the thigh - superficial arteries, veins, lymph nodes and vessels (dave's notes)
What are the four superficial art...,
What is the course of the superfi...,
What is the course of the superfi...
11  cards
Anterior compartment of the thigh - Superficial fascia, fascia lata (dave's notes)
What is the superficial fascia of...,
What is the iliotibial tract wher...,
What is the function of the iliot...
8  cards
The femoral triangle (dave's notes)
What are the borders of the femor...,
What lies in the gutter shaped fl...,
What are the muscles found in the...
11  cards
Femoral sheath, artery, vein and nerve (dave's notes)
Describe the relation of the shea...,
Where does fascia fuse with the a...,
What does the femoral space separ...
20  cards
Quadriceps femoris, patellar stability, adductor canal (dave's notes)
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...
16  cards
Adductor muscles, obturator artery and nerve (dave's notes)
What is the origin and insertion ...,
List the adductor muscles,
What is the origin and insertion ...
15  cards
Gluteal region - subcutaneous tissue, superior gluteal nerve, superior gluteal artery (dave's notes)
What is the blood supply to the s...,
Describe the buttock fold,
What is well developed in the sub...
8  cards
Muscles of the gluteal region (dave's notes)
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
List the muscles of the gluteal r...
11  cards
Piriformis landmarks and trochanteric anasatomoses (dave's notes)
What is found above piriformis,
What is found below piriformis,
Describe the inferior gluteal nerve
12  cards
The gemelli, obturator internus, and quadratus femoris (dave's notes)
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...
9  cards
Cruciate anastomoses and hip joint (dave's notes)
Where are the cruciate anastomose...,
What are the contributors to the ...,
What forms the acetabulum when
16  cards
Posterior compartment of the thigh (dave's notes)
What is the cutaneous supply to t...,
Where is the posterior femoral cu...,
Describe the fascia lata
18  cards
Popliteal fossa, common peroneal nerve, tibial nerve (dave's notes)
Describe the shape and boundaries...,
Describe the floor of the poplite...,
What is the course of the common ...
10  cards
Popliteal vessels and popliteus (dave's notes)
How long is the popliteal artery,
Where in the fossa is the poplite...,
Where is the popliteal vein found...
10  cards
The knee joint (dave's notes)
What type of joint is the knee wh...,
What are the movements of the kne...,
Other than extension and flexion ...
17  cards
Cutaneous nerves of the anterior leg, anterior compartment. (dave's notes)
What is the cutaneous supply over...,
What is the cutaneous supply over...,
Describe the saphenous nerve wher...
14  cards
Extensor compartment of the leg (dave's notes)
What is the nerve to the extensor...,
Where is the extensor compartment...,
What is medial to the extensor co...
22  cards
Dorsum of the foot (dave's notes)
What is the cutaneous nerve suppl...,
Describe the venous drainage of t...,
What vein does blood from the med...
15  cards
Lateral compartment of the leg (dave's notes)
What are the muscles of the later...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the origin and insertion ...
10  cards
Superficial and deep muscles of the calf (dave's notes)
List the superficial muscles of t...,
List the deep muscles of the calf,
What is the origin and insertion ...
15  cards
Posterior compartment of the leg - general features, posterior tibial artery, tibial nerve (dave's notes)
What is the cutaneous nerve to th...,
What does the deep fascia of the ...,
Where does the posterior tibial a...
9  cards
Sole of the foot - general features, first and second layer (dave's notes)
What is the cutaneous nerve suppl...,
What is notable about the subcuta...,
What does the plantar aponeurosis...
18  cards
Sole of the foot - third and fourth layers, vessels and nerves (dave's notes)
List the contents of the third la...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
What is the action and innervatio...
21  cards
Ankle joint, tarsal joints, inversion and eversion of the foot (dave's notes)
What type of joint is the ankle j...,
Describe teh ligaments of the ank...,
What is the blood supply to the a...
13  cards
Tarsometatarsal joints, supporting, propulsion, and shock absorbing mechanisms of the foot (dave's notes)
How does the metatarsus differ fr...,
Describe the interphalangeal join...,
What are the components of the su...
11  cards
Summary of lower limb innervation (dave's notes)
What is the cutaneous innervation...,
What is the cutaneous innervation...,
What is the cutaneous innervation...
17  cards
Summary of lower limb nerve injuries (dave's notes)
Where is the femoral nerve most a...,
What is the clinical picture in a...,
How may the lateral femoral cutan...
11  cards
Osteology of the lower limb (dave's notes)
How does the hip bone develop,
When does each of the three centr...,
When do teh ischio and pubic rami...
22  cards
Ligaments of the knee joint (Dave's notes)
What type of ligaments are associ...,
List the extracapsular ligaments ...,
List the intra articular ligament...
17  cards

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anatomy: lower limb (based on dave's notes only so far)

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