This class was created by Brainscape user Joe Hamer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Coagulation/anticoagulation Workshop
What monitoring is needed for war...,
Why are interactions so common wi...,
Why can the bloods tendency to co...
43  cards
Elderly Care
What is the name of the score use...,
Why is managing medicines in olde...,
What of people over 75 take take ...
37  cards
Which type of diabetes involves a...,
What is dka,
What are the symptoms of dka ppnats
113  cards
How often should patients recievi...,
Why would ccb be used in heart fa...,
When would diuretics be used in a...
108  cards
What are some risk factors for cl...,
What are some risk factors for a ...,
Long haul flyers could reduce the...
102  cards
AF and Stroke Workshop
Why is afib a risk factor for stroke,
Patients with af are _____ more l...,
Name of a scoring system used to ...
40  cards
Stroke lectures
What is the definition of a stroke,
What is a tia,
Why is stroke treatment important
39  cards
Endocrinology Lectures
What are some common endocrine pr...,
What are some common endocrine pr...,
What does the hypothalamus produc...
87  cards
Endocrinology Workshop
What should be the correct starti...,
What impact would high dose levot...,
What is the dose of aspirin for s...
28  cards
Surgery Workshop
What are the risk factors for neg...,
The stress inducing effects of su...,
Patients taking long term cortico...
46  cards
Surgery Lectures
What are the two different routes...,
What is the elective surgical pat...,
What does the pre op assessment c...
16  cards
What is copd
56  cards
Elderly Care Workshop
With elderly people why must inve...,
What are the 10 key issues the in...,
What are the 3 medicine related f...
26  cards
What is asthma definition,
Laba work on which aspect of asth...,
Ics work on which aspect of asthm...
23  cards
COPD and Asthma Workshop
What is asthma,
What are the two main causes of a...,
What is airway hyperresponsiveness
74  cards
Elderly Care Post Workshop
First line treatment for low mode...,
Too much levothyroxine can cause ...,
What is the target bp in elderly
10  cards
Mental Health Lectures
What is the bucket model of stres...,
When do mental health symptoms be...,
What is diagnosis based on
70  cards
Antidepressant drugs review article
Antidepressants are not first lin...,
If there is no response to the an...,
All current antidepressants funct...
21  cards
Antipsychotics review article
Extrapyramidal side effects cause...,
What limits the use of clozapine,
Antipsychotics developed after cl...
24  cards
If the dose of spironolactone is ...,
When would bisphosphonates be sto...,
Who is the new medicine service for
5  cards
Clotting cascade
What is the first step in the int...,
What is the second step in the in...,
What is the third step of the ins...
5  cards
The future of atrial fibrillation management: integrated care and stratified therapy
What are the five domains of af m...,
Common symptoms in people with at...,
Silent af patients are at risk of
17  cards
Stuff that I should really know by now
0  cards
MCQs Revision
What is the target inr in a patie...,
What should we do to a patient wi...,
What should we do to a patient wi...
53  cards
Understanding anticoagulation
After injury what are the three m...,
The endothelial surface cells of ...,
The platelet response is composed...
23  cards
Clinical use of anticoagulants
What is vte,
All patients must be assessed for...,
Pharmacologiclal vte prophlaxis c...
34  cards
ACS (Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pharmacy 2e)
The prehospital management of a s...,
What does the immediate and early...,
What is pci
23  cards
Intercurrent illness means what w...,
We should aim for a target plasma...,
A fasting plasma level of _____mm...
16  cards
Monitoring for Common Medications
What are the monitoring requireme...,
What are the things to be aware w...,
When do we stop acei
32  cards

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advanced pharmacy practice

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