This class was created by Brainscape user Becca Sopelak. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What is pharmacokinetics,
What is absorption,
What affects absorption
22  cards
What is pharmacodynamics,
What is maximal efficacy,
What is relative potency
9  cards
Pharmacogenomics and considerations for age
What is pharmacogenomics,
What is the most common genetic v...,
What are some other genetic variants
19  cards
Basic Terminology
What is a drug,
What is pharmacology,
What is clinical pharmacology
28  cards
What are the diagnosing criteria ...,
Why do we use hemoglobin a1c in m...,
How do we treat t1dm
45  cards
What is the initial therapy for t...,
What is the first line drug thera...,
What is the other name for the hm...
32  cards
Congestive Heart Failure
What is the indication for diuret...,
What is the indication of the ace...,
What is the indication for beta b...
16  cards
Which medications help improve ca...,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What are adverse effects of nitrates
19  cards
What is the diagnosing criteria f...,
What are factors that can effect ...,
What work up should be done prior...
54  cards
What is the most commonly used an...,
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What are adverse effects of heparin
41  cards
Test 2
What is the mechanism of action o...,
What are the side effects of nsaids,
What are the symptoms of salicylism
225  cards
What is the first line medication...,
What is the second line medicatio...,
What is the first line medication...
75  cards
Psych meds
What are the antidepressant categ...,
How long does it take to start se...,
How long does it take for optimal...
72  cards
Hormone replacement
When are estrogens used,
When are the progestins used,
What is estrogen in the drug world
56  cards
Neuro meds
What medications are used to trea...,
What is mechanism of action of ca...,
What are the dopamine agonists
20  cards

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advanced pharm

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