This class was created by Brainscape user Stephanie Davison. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Intro to Radiology and Chest Xrays
Xray advantages and disadvantages,
Chest radiography seems warranted...,
Types of nuclear medicine scans
132  cards
GI/ Abdomen and CNS/Head Radiology
Epidural hematomas are typically ...,
Etiologies of dementia,
What can free air in the abdomen be
128  cards
Dyslipidemia and Type 2 Diabetes
Indications of pcsk9 inhibitors,
Characteristic of plaque prone to...,
How do the current guidelines use...
213  cards
Adrenal and Pituitary Disorders
Where do the adrenal glands sit,
Describe the anatomy of the adren...,
4 divisions of the adrenal gland ...
109  cards
Thyroid Disease
Describe the anatomy of the thyro...,
Describe the hypothalamic pituita...,
What is t3
114  cards
GI Diseases
Causes of acute abdominal pain,
Causes of gi hemorrhage,
Causes of chronic abdominal pain
219  cards
Liver Disease
Liver accomplishes many things su...,
Describe the portal vein,
While the portal vein delievers _...
113  cards
Lung Disease
Cancer number 2 cause of death in us,
What is ca screening and what is ...,
Risks and pitfalls to ca screening
72  cards
Goals of evaluation and treatment...,
Primary care approach to the pati...,
Arrhythmia symptoms
100  cards
Coronary Heart Disease
What are modifiable risk factors ...,
What are non modifiable risk fact...,
Describe the pathophysiology of c...
69  cards
Cohort and population based studi...,
What gender is more likely to rep...,
Syncope incidence is higher with
48  cards
What is the definition of essenti...,
Why do we call primary hypertensi...,
What is the relationship between ...
60  cards
1 cause of left heart failure and...,
What are the 3 determinants of st...,
The amount of myocardial stretch ...
57  cards
Infectious Cardiology
___ is infection of normal or abn...,
What is endocarditis,
____ is indolent infection of abn...
56  cards
Dizziness and Vertigo
What is the the definition of diz...,
Sx of dizzniess,
Maintaining a sense of balance co...
5  cards
Pain Management
Common barriers to the use of opi...,
Key features of addiction include,
___ refers to withdrawal symptoms...
53  cards
Etiologies of anemia,
How do you define anemia,
What values are important on a cbc
101  cards
Describe the demographics of hiv ...,
Cdc estimates that approximately ...,
____ men and women were highly af...
65  cards
Men's Health
Describe the location of the pros...,
Describe the structure of the pro...,
How do you estimate the weight si...
88  cards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is ra,
Complicaitons of ra,
Who does ra effect
45  cards
Rheum 2 (SLE, AS, Reactive, Psoriatic)
What are ana anti nuclear antibodies,
What type of ana should you draw,
When should you order an ana
58  cards
Rheum 1 (OA, Gout, Pseudogout, Fibromyalgia)
Describe the pathogenesis of oa,
Types of oa,
Secondary causes of oa
67  cards
Women lose up to __ of bone mass ...,
Describe the burden of hip fractures,
T f a clinical diagnosis of osteo...
34  cards
How to id horizontal axis in the cns,
How to id horizontal axis in the pns,
How to id vertical axis in the cns
85  cards
Migraine or headache pain are alm...,
In new onset and severe headache ...,
Serious causes of severe acute on...
71  cards
Describe the kind of strokes and ...,
What are modifiable risk factors ...,
What are non modifiable risk fact...
38  cards

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adult clinical medicine

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