This class was created by Brainscape user Kjirsten Carlson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

SCORE questions
What are the two histologic subty...,
What are the different types of e...,
Embyonal rhabdomyosarcoma 1 young...
77  cards
The Surgical Review- Hepatobiliary and Pancreas
What are the five different types...,
What is the treatment of type i i...,
Patients with primary sclerosing ...
207  cards
CSMC Review PPTs
What are the components of the gcs,
Pt with gcs of 10 and which risk ...,
Lens shaped hematoma with lucid i...
4  cards
The Surgical Review- Vascular
Three layers of blood vessel wall...,
What are 2 ways htn causes athero...,
Why do diabetic patients have imp...
83  cards
The Surgical Review- Hernia
What are the borders of the ingui...,
What are the borders of the femor...,
What is the deep inguinal ring
25  cards
The Surgical Review- Thoracic
Three zones of the lung,
Which type of alveolar cells prod...,
What components does spirometry m...
52  cards
The Surgical Review- Breast
What are the boundaries of the br...,
Blood supply of the breast,
5 important nerves to identify du...
42  cards
The Surgical Review- Pancreas
What gene is associated with trop...,
New onset diabetes in association...,
What is rash called in glucagonoma
21  cards
The Surgical Review- Trauma/Critical Care
What are the positive dpl criteria,
What are the 6ts and 6hs of pea,
What is battle sign and what is i...
108  cards
Trulearn: Biliary
What nutritional deficiency is as...,
What are the different scores cla...
2  cards
True Learn- Breast
In a tram flap what vessel is its...,
What puts a pt in high risk for p...,
What percentage of pts with bx dc...
3  cards
Trulearn- Fluids and Electrolytes
What is symptom of hypermagnesemia,
How do you manage pt with severe ...,
Fena is not a reliable indicator ...
8  cards
TrueLearn All
What is nodular lymphoid hyperplasia,
What are guidelines for placing a...,
Equation for cpp
362  cards
Fiser: Pancreas
Blood supply head of pancreas,
Blood supply body of pancreas,
Blood supply tail of pancreas
29  cards
Fiser - Ch 38: Hernias, Abdomen, and Surgical Technology
What is the shelving edge of the ...,
Which muscle forms the cremasteri...,
Whats the lacunar ligament
3  cards
Fiser- Ch 36&37: Colon, Rectum, Anus
What marks the transition between...,
Main nutrient of colonocytes,
Layers of the colon from lumen to...
52  cards
Fiser Ch 29: Esophagus
Layers of the esophagus,
Blood supply of the esophagus cer...,
Normal ues pressure at rest
53  cards
Fiser Ch 27: Vascular
Most common acquired hypcoagulabl...,
1st branch off internal carotid a...,
1st brach off external carotid ar...
48  cards
Pediatric Surgery
What is transposition of the grea...,
What are the components of tetrol...,
What are the 5 ts of cyanosis in ...
5  cards
Stats and Misc
What is a latent error,
Name that ulcer cameron,
Name that ulcer curling
22  cards
Stomach and Bowel
Management of large mesenteric cysts,
Management of gastric cardia aden...,
Margins for gastric adenocarcinoma
87  cards
Management of a slipped gastric band,
Where is a gastric band placed,
What is a highly selective vagotomy
9  cards
Fiser Liver
What is the 1 hepatic artery variant,
What does the falciform ligament ...,
What separates the right and left...
68  cards
Fiser: Hematology
What are three main functions of ...,
What are three factors that are i...,
What are the only two factors not...
69  cards
Tumor marker ca 125,
Tumor marker hcg,
Tumor marker afp
26  cards
Fiser: Thoracic
Incision to expose ascending aort...
1  cards
Fiser: Skin and Soft Tissue
When do you consider performing m...
1  cards
Fiser: Subspecialties (urology, ortho, gyn)
Which nerve is most at risk for i...,
Anterior to posterior of renal st...,
Which renal vein can be ligated
52  cards
Fiser: Pancreas
Whats the difference between a ps...,
What is the puestow procedure whe...,
What is a frey procedure
13  cards
Fiser: Critical Care
Three phases of ards
1  cards

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absite review

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