This class was created by Brainscape user Szabi Majer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

What is a laboratory experiment,
What is a field experiment,
What is a quasi natural experiment
43  cards
Self Report
What are the two main self report...,
What are the two types of questions,
What is an open question
29  cards
What is correlation,
What is a positive correlation,
What is a negative correlation
19  cards
What is participant observation,
Strengths of participant observation,
Weaknesses of participant observa...
33  cards
Aims, Hypothesis, Sampling
What research methods are aims us...,
What research methods are hypothe...,
What is a one tailed hypothesis
24  cards
What is nominal data,
What is ordinal data,
What is interval data
20  cards
What does dc cowpad stand for,
What is the ethics guideline rega...,
What are the ethics guidelines re...
17  cards
Descriptive statistics
What are the measures of central ...,
What are the advantages of the mean,
What are the disadvantages of the...
7  cards
Psych as a science
What does induction mean,
What does deduction mean,
What does objectivity mean
16  cards
Section C
Answer structure for the question...,
Answer structure for briefly outl...,
Structure for using your psycholo...
4  cards
Inferential Statistics
What are inferential statistics,
Why does psychology use statistic...,
What does p 005 mean
20  cards
Validity & Reliability
What is validity,
What are the types of external va...,
What is the type of internal vali...
11  cards
Report Writing
Why do you need to reference,
What is harvard referencing,
When do you reference
11  cards
What is the individual situationa...,
What are the strength and weaknes...,
24  cards
Distribution Curves
Why would a distribution curve ha...,
Why would a distribution curve ha...,
What is a normal distribution cur...
6  cards
Practical Activities
What is the experiments practical...,
What was the aim in the ball in t...,
What was the design in the ball i...
34  cards
Social Area
What are the principles of the in...,
What are the key concepts of the ...,
What are the core studies within ...
96  cards
Developmental Area
What are the principles of the so...,
What are the key concepts of the ...,
What are the core studies within ...
92  cards
Cognitive Area
What are the principles of the so...,
What are the key concepts of the ...,
What are the core studies within ...
93  cards
Individual Differences Area
What are the principles of the in...,
What are the key concepts of the ...,
What are the core studies within ...
95  cards
Biological Area
What are the principles of the so...,
What are the key concepts of the ...,
What are the core studies within ...
93  cards
Behaviourist Perspective
What are the principles of the be...,
What are the concepts of the beha...,
What are the core studies in the ...
8  cards
Psychodynamic Perspective
What are the key principles of th...,
What are the concepts of the psyc...,
What are the core studies in the ...
5  cards
Environmental Psychology
What is the aim in black and black,
What is glass and singer about,
What is kendrick macfarlane about
60  cards
Mental Health Psychology
What is demonic possession,
What is animalism,
What is humourism
49  cards
Criminal Psychology
What was the aim of palmer hollin,
What was jahoda about,
What is palmer hollin about
61  cards
A level comparisons between the areas
Cognitive and developmental,
Behaviouristand individual differ...
10  cards
A level things not remembered
What are the results of bochiarro,
What is the aim of levine,
What are the results of lp
15  cards
Topic 1 Environmental psychology
What is the summary of black and ...,
What is glass and singer about,
What is kendrick macfarlane about
6  cards
Topic 2 Environmental psychology
What is the summary of czeisler e...,
What was siffre about,
What was preckel et al about
6  cards
Topic 3 Environmental psychology
What is the summary of lord,
What is the yale model of persuas...,
What is luyben and bailey about
6  cards
Topic 4 Environmental psychology
What is the summary of drews and ...,
What is brown and poulton about,
What is the hawthorne studies about
6  cards
Topic 5 Environmental psychology
What is the summary of ulrich,
What is cohen et al about,
What is bickman et al about
6  cards
Topic 6 Environmental psychology
What is the summary of wells,
What is smith about,
What is middlemist about
5  cards
Topic 1 Criminal psychology
0  cards
Topic 2 Criminal psychology
0  cards
Topic 3 Criminal psychology
0  cards
Topic 4 Criminal psychology
0  cards
Topic 5 Criminal psychology
0  cards
Topic 6 Criminal psychology
0  cards

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a-level psychology

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