This class was created by Brainscape user Daisy Palmer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (55)

AP - Psychodynamic approach
What did freud believe behaviour ...,
What metaphor did freud use to de...,
Explain freuds metaphor of an ice...
50  cards
AP - Humanistic approach
How is the humanistic approach di...,
Who was the humanistic approach d...,
What does the humanistic approach...
41  cards
AP - Comparison of approaches
In what 3 ways can we compare the...,
What is determinism,
Compare the approaches determinis...
8  cards
Bio - Localisation of function
Brocas area,
Localisation of function,
Motor cortex
47  cards
Bio - Lateralisation & split-brain research.
What is hemispheric lateralisation,
What is split brain research,
What is the left hemisphere domin...
19  cards
Bio - Plasticity & functional recovery of the brain
What is brain plasticity,
What is functional recovery,
What are some factors that are kn...
40  cards
Bio - Ways of studying the brain
What are the 4 ways of studying t...,
Electroencephalogram eeg,
Event related potentials erps
48  cards
Bio - Circadian rhythms and Ultradian & infradian rhythms
What is a circadian rhythm,
Sleep wake cycle,
What are examples of circadian rh...
37  cards
Bio - Endogenous pacemakers & exogenous zeitgebers
Endogenous pacemakers,
Exogenous zeitgeber,
What are endogenous pacemakers so...
45  cards
Bio - Epigenetics
25  cards
RM - Content analysis and Case studies
Content analysis,
Thematic analysis
47  cards
RM - Reliability
Inter observer reliability,
Test retest reliability
32  cards
RM - Validity
Concurrent validity,
Ecological validity,
Face validity
24  cards
RM - Features of science
33  cards
RM - Probability
What are statistical tests based on,
Alternative hypothesis,
Null hypothesis
14  cards
RM - Statistical tests
What are the 2 types of statistics,
What are inferential tests used b...,
What are the types of tests divid...
51  cards
RM - Non-parametric and Parametric tests of difference, Tests of correlation and Chi-squared test
What is the non parametric test f...,
What is the non parametric test f...,
What is the parametric test for r...
7  cards
RM - Reporting investigations
What are the parts of a journal a...,
What is the abstract part of an a...,
What is the introduction part of ...
7  cards
I&D - Gender in psychology: Gender bias
Alpha bias,
Beta bias
14  cards
I&D - Culture in psychology: Cultural bias
Cultural bias,
Cultural relativism,
19  cards
I&D - Free will and determinism
Free will,
Hard determinism
29  cards
I&D - The nature-nurture debate
Interactionist approach
24  cards
I&D - Holism and reductionism
What is the opposite to reductionism,
What is the opposite to holism,
40  cards
I&D - Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to psychological investigation
Idiographic approach,
Nomothetic approach,
Why how is the idiographic approa...
14  cards
I&D - Ethical implications of research study and theory
Socially sensitive research,
Who produced a landmark paper on ...,
What did sieber and stanley point...
21  cards
G - Sex-role stereotypes and androgyny
What is the development of gender...,
34  cards
G - The role of chromosomes and hormones in sex and gender
69  cards
G - Kohlberg's theory
Gender consistency,
Pre operational
35  cards
G - Gender schema theory
What is the most recent version o...,
What 2 changes did martin and hal...
22  cards
G - Psychodynamic explanation of gender development
What is the psychodynamic explana...,
What are the 2 main concepts of f...,
Electra complex
22  cards
G - SLT as applied to gender development
Social learning theory,
Who proposed slt as applied to ge...,
What did bandura propose gender r...
29  cards
G - Cultural and media influences on gender roles
What general gender belief is the...
18  cards
G - Atypical gender development
Gender dysphoria,
Where does gender identity disord...,
What is an issue of gender identi...
53  cards
Sc - Classification of schizophrenia
54  cards
Sc - Reliability and validity in diagnosis and classification
Co morbidity,
Gender bias
22  cards
Sc - Biological explanations for schizophrenia
Biological explanations,
Dopamine hypothesis,
51  cards
Sc - Psychological explanations for schizophrenia
Cognitive explanations,
Dysfunctional thought processing,
Family dysfunction
30  cards
Sc - Drug therapy
Atypical antipsychotics,
Drug therapy,
Typical antipsychotics
30  cards
Sc - Cognitive behavioural therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy,
What is cognitive behavioural the...,
What does cbtp stand for
22  cards
Sc - Family therapy
Family therapy,
What is the main aim of family th...,
How does family therapy work
20  cards
Sc - Token economy and the management of schizophrenia
Token economy,
What principles are token economy...,
What was token economy developed ...
27  cards
Sc - An interactionist approach
Diathesis stress model,
Diathesis to explain sz,
What findings provide evidence fo...
17  cards
FP - Offender profiling: The top-down approach
What are the two different method...,
Disorganised type of offender,
Offender profiling
29  cards
FP - Offender profiling: The bottom-up approach
Bottom up approach,
Geographical profiling,
Investigative psychology
38  cards
FP - Biological explanations of offending behaviour: A historical approach
Atavistic form,
What did the greeks suggest the f...,
Who developed the atavistic form
42  cards
FP - Biological explanations of offending behaviour: Genetic and neural
Genetic explanations,
Neural explanations
48  cards
FP - Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Eysenck's theory
34  cards
FP - Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Cognitive
Cognitive distortion,
Hostile attribution bias,
Minimalisation or minimisation
38  cards
FP - Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Differential association
What type of explanation is diffe...,
Differential association theory,
Who proposed differential associa...
25  cards
FP - Psychological explanations of offending behaviour: Psychodynamic
What type of explanation is the p...,
Affectionless psychopathy,
Maternal deprivation
36  cards
FP - Dealing with offending behaviour: Custodial sentencing and recidivism
What is a custodial sentence,
What are the aims of custodial se...,
Explain incapacitation as an aim ...
17  cards
FP - Dealing with offending behaviour: Behaviour modification in custody
Behaviour modification,
Operant conditioning,
Token economy
18  cards
FP - Dealing with offending behaviour: Anger management
What are the ways of dealing with...,
What is the cognitive approach in...,
Anger management
28  cards
FP - Dealing with offending behaviour: Restorative justice programmes
Restorative justice,
What is the concept of restorativ...,
How does restorative justice seek...
19  cards
Statistical tests
When is the chi squared test used,
When is the sign test used,
When is the mann whitney u test used
8  cards

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a-level psychology

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