a level philosophy and ethics

This class was created by Brainscape user Jakub Kowalski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

What is hedonism,
What is hedonic calculus,
What does bentham describe happin...
25  cards
Utilitarianism Evaluation
Strength act utilitarianism is a ...,
Strength many people naturally th...,
Strength it resolves the problems...
14  cards
Natural Moral Law
What does deontological mean,
What is absolutism,
What is the efficient cause
26  cards
Natural Moral Law Evaluation
Weakness this way of life is too ...,
Weakness no such thing as a commo...,
Weakness does not offer support f...
14  cards
Situation Ethics
What is agape,
What is agapeic calculus,
What is antinomianism
26  cards
Situation Ethics Evaluation
Strength puts _ before _ jesus sa...,
Strength allows _ responses to _ ...,
Strength it is _ and suggests sol...
21  cards
Divine Command Theory
What does ethics mean in greek,
What is a meta ethical theory,
What is the euthyphro dilemma
14  cards
Divine Command Theory Evaluation
Weakness if we agree god s laws a...,
Strength socrates argues that god...,
Weakness the issue with socrates ...
15  cards
Ethical Egoism
What is psychological egoism,
What is ethical egoism,
What is altruism
18  cards
Ethical Egoism Evaluation
Weakness if everyone _ helped the...,
Weakness a person giving up all t...,
Weakness tony stuart states that ...
19  cards
Aquinas' Cosmological Argument
What is an inductive argument,
What does a posteriori mean,
What is potentiality
18  cards
Aquinas' Cosmological Argument Evaluation
A continuously expanding universe...,
With the development of quantum t...,
The idea of _ in physics states t...
11  cards
The Kalam
Define kalam,
Who developed the kalam argument,
Who expanded the kalam argument
11  cards
The Kalam Evaluation (also use cosmo eval for kalam)
Hume believed in _ and asked why ...,
Hume believes all our knowledge c...,
If fire warms and water refreshes...
5  cards
The Teleological Argument
What does telos mean,
What is a posteriori,
What did cicero say about the uni...
19  cards
The Teleological Argument Evaluation
All of these are from david hume ...,
Arguments from _ are weak a machi...,
Just because somethings have a de...
10  cards
The Ontological Argument
What does ontological mean,
What is a deductive argument,
What is a priori
20  cards
The Ontological Argument Evaluation
Gaunilo use a _ of his own to sho...,
Hume says it is not possible to t...,
Hume we must go beyond the descri...
19  cards
The Augustinian Theodicy
What is a theodicy,
What is moral evil,
What is natural evil
19  cards
The Augustinian Theodicy Evaluation
If the _ abused their free will h...,
How can you bring good out of evi...,
Schleiermacher said evil from a p...
9  cards
The Irenaean Theodicy
What is a theodicy,
What is natural evil,
What is moral evil
19  cards
The Ireneaen Theodicy Evaluation
If we need an afterlife to achiev...,
Challenges of the world do not al...,
Many people develop good qualitie...
7  cards
Carl Jung - Religious Belief as a Product of the Human Mind
What are the 5 parts of the psyche,
What is the shared collective unc...,
What are the archetypes of the co...
17  cards
Religious Experience - Influences
What does re change belief that to,
What does hardy say about re,
What are some examples of worship...
18  cards
Inherent Problems of Religious Language
What is the heart of the problem ...,
How do we all express our beliefs,
What do religious propositions ap...
4  cards
Religious Language as Cognitive, but Meaningless
Who is aj ayer and what did he co...,
Who are the logical positivists,
What is the verification principle
21  cards
Religious Language as Cognitive, but Meaningless Evaluation
Ayer the principle is far too str...,
Ayer the verification principle m...,
Ayer the verification principle w...
16  cards
Religious Experiences - Influences Evaluation
Strength the practice of _ itself...,
Strength _ is an example whereby ...
15  cards
Miracle Definitions
What are the 3 basic attributes o...,
What are aquinas three categories...,
What is the issue with breaking a...
18  cards
Miracle Definitions - Evaluation
Aquinas aquinas suggests an _ god...,
Aquinas his argument is based on ...,
Holland his interpretation makes ...
11  cards
Comparative Study - Hume & Swinburne
What kind of philosopher was davi...,
What is hume s balance of probabi...
12  cards
Comparative Study - Hume & Swinburne - Evaluation
Hume hume s argument that miracle...,
Hume miracles in different religi...,
Hume hume s standards for witness...
5  cards
Sigmund Freud - Religious Belief as a Product of the Human Mind
What are the 3 parts of the psych...,
How does freud link neurosis and ...,
What is a collective neurosis
13  cards
Sigmund Freud - Religious Belief as a Product of the Human Mind Evaluation
Negative if we naturally desire t...,
Positive freuds theory is heavily...
15  cards
Carl Jung - Religious Belief as a Product of the Human Mind Evaluation
Positive jung is experience drive...,
Positive religion provides us wit...,
Positive jung s encouragement to ...
14  cards
Challenges to Religious Belief - Atheism
What is old atheism,
What is new atheism,
Why do the four horsemen of athei...
10  cards
Challenges to Religous Belief - Atheism Evaluation
Negative there is an implicit ass...,
Negative few of the authors are v...,
Negative dawkins likens belief in...
6  cards
Religious Language as Analogy
Who offered the analysis of relig...,
What problem did aquinas see with...,
What is the via negativa
10  cards

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a level philosophy and ethics

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