This class was created by Brainscape user Brandon Zahl. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Lv1 Mod 1
Definition of psychological trauma,
Triune brain model names of the 3...,
How does individual remember trau...
54  cards
Lvl1 Mod 2
Phase oriented treatment approach...,
Treatment goals throughout a phas...,
Five stages of the process
35  cards
Lvl1 Mod 3
What are 5 categories of resource...,
Two questions to evoke existing r...,
3 ways to differentiate types of ...
16  cards
Lvl1 Mod 3 (advanced)
5 somatic themes of auto regulati...,
What is vertical alignment,
7 somatic themes reflective of au...
11  cards
Lvl 1 Mod 4
What are peri traumatic resources,
What are the 4 alterations in the...,
What is the orienting reflex
33  cards
Lvl1 Mod 5
What happens when trauma occurs f...,
4 activities attributes of the an...,
4 activities attributes of the ep...
43  cards
Trauma and the Body
In ordinary consciousness we tell...,
The purpose of experiments,
Four examples of types of experim...
32  cards
Lvl 1 Manual
How does top down suppression aff...,
Symptoms of being above window of...,
Symptoms of being below
28  cards
Lvl1 Demo Video Takeaways
What is the use of bringing the d...
1  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 1
What are the three primary purpos...,
3 types of connection provided by...,
How do effective attachment relat...
98  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 2
Why are humans creatures of habit,
How does the past end up repeatin...,
What are three basic processes as...
36  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 3
What 4 things to keep in mind whe...,
What is the rule of thirds with r...,
6 steps of the container stage fo...
57  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 4
What questions can be asked to st...,
What is the felt sense of the cli...,
Three functions of experiments in...
51  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 5
What is the 7 part synopsis of th...,
What can the therapist offer if c...,
What is the role of pain how can ...
51  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 6
Between the three different avenu...,
Why is it important to do mindful...,
What helps the most with getting ...
17  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 7
Between the three different avenu...,
Why is it important to do mindful...,
What helps the most with getting ...
18  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 8
Why is providing a missing experi...,
What are the missing experiences ...,
What are the missing experiences ...
46  cards
Lvl 2 Mod 9
In addition to the somatic focus ...,
What question does laia ask herse...,
If the client is hesistant about ...
21  cards
Lvl 2 Session Video Takeaways
Nice way that pat contacted a cli...,
What question did pat propose to ...,
What did pat do when she noticed ...
4  cards
Mason Consults/Group
2 ways to work with clients that ...,
What to do when people pop out 2 ...,
What kinds of homework does mason...
8  cards
Laia Consults
How do we do trauma sequencing if...,
Why does laia want to know if the...,
What three techniques does laia u...
61  cards

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1 sensorimotor psychotherapy

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