This class was created by Brainscape user Jesse Agar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

1 Structure
What do body head and title tags ...,
What makes an html element,
Why does the home page have to be...
11  cards
2 Text
Difference between structural mar...,
What are the tags for how do thes...,
How do browers treat multiple lin...
18  cards
3 Lists
Make a list where the items come ...,
Make a list of definitionstag the...,
Make a nested ordered or unordere...
3  cards
4 Links
Create a link to an external website,
What happens with this code lta h...,
What does url stand for
18  cards
5 Images
Add an imagehave text when the im...,
Have a title for an image text th...,
Set height and width of image html
14  cards
6 Tables
Create a table,
Make a table data or table headin...,
Make a table data or table headin...
14  cards
7 Forms
Get input from the user html side,
Every form requires an actiont or f,
Send form information to a specif...
41  cards
8 Extra Markup
Tell the browser what version of ...,
Add html comments,
Make an attribute referable
8  cards
9 Flash, Video and Audio
Add video to your page,
Add audio to your page
2  cards
10 Introducing CSS and Selectors
What are the 3 parts to a css rule,
Use a css style sheet,
What is the type attribute in a l...
57  cards
11 Colour
How do you represent rgb values,
How do you represent hex codes,
When you don t specify a backgrou...
7  cards
12 Text
What are some basic css text modi...,
What are some paragraph control p...,
Control font typehave backup fonts
34  cards
13 Boxes
Each html element so of acts like...,
Css rules must be surruonded by t...,
Control the height and width of a...
38  cards
14 Lists, Tables and Forms
Control the type of bullet point ...,
Control the type of bullet point ...,
Use an image as a bullet point
11  cards
Make a container use flexbox,
What do the flex properties do,
What do flex c
24  cards
In a nutshell what is the differe...,
Set a container to gridset a cont...,
Define 2 columns and 2 rows to pl...
30  cards
15 Layout
Set the flow state to normal,
Make the element move from the po...,
Make the element be in a specific...
11  cards
16 Images
What are 3 ways of getting an svg...
1  cards
17 HTML 5 Layout
0  cards
18 Process and Design
0  cards
19 Practical Information
0  cards
20 CSS functions
Calculate 20 12 in css,
Create a css variable,
How does min work
13  cards

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0-3 basic html and css

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