Study the nutrients in the food you eat, how your body uses them, proper diet, health, and disease. Try our flashcards now!

Top Nutrition Flashcards Ranked by Quality

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  • Nutrition 1 exam
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  • NASM Nutrition Certification Exam Prep
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  • Nutri By Cori, Karlangas, Marianis y Litzy.
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  • Clinical Nutrition 2
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  • ASPEN Adult Nutrition Support Core Curriculum for CNSC Exam
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  • Integ 3 Exam obésité,nutrition..
    Integ 3 Exam obésité,nutrition..
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  • 6-Clinical Nutrition 1
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  • NUT-1011: examen #2
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  • NUT 115
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  • NASM Nutrition exam prep
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  • Clinical Nutrition
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  • Pratique clinique 3 (NUT-2410)
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  • Clinical Nutrition
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  • PT: Nutrition Exam 2
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  • K3 S6 UE17 nut et tissus mous
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  • Clin Sci IMS, Respiratory, Renal, Cardiovascular, Nutrition & Energy
    Clin Sci IMS, Respiratory, Renal, Cardiovascular, Nutrition & Energy
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  • Aliments et nutriments II NUT-1011
    Aliments et nutriments II NUT-1011
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  • Pratique clinique 2 (NUT-2400)
    Pratique clinique 2 (NUT-2400)
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  • NUT-2013 - Chimie et transformation des aliments
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  • PT: Nutrition Exam 1
    PT: Nutrition Exam 1
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About Nutrition on Brainscape

What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth. It’s also the branch of science that studies nutrients and nutrition, especially in humans.

The study of nutrition involves areas of cellular biology, biochemistry, and anatomy.

Nutrition plays a key part in the causation and prevention of many diseases - which is a key focus of nutritionists.

Good nutrition is absolutely essential to our everyday lives and well-being. Former First Lady Michelle Obama considered the issue of nutrition so important to Americans that she devoted a considerable amount of her time, passion, and position to re-educating Americans to making healthy eating and lifestyle choices.

Careers in Nutrition

We tend to consider nutritionists to be people working in practice that deal perhaps with bariatric patients, but nutritionists work in absolutely every area you could consider. Nutritionists played key roles in world events from developing powdered eggs and SPAM during WWII to providing effective life-saving famine relief to malnutritioned adults and children in Sub-Saharan Africa.

From research and delivering hands-on health care to developing luxury food products and service, nutritionists can choose to work in a variety of fields.  

A Nutritional Sciences degree could be the start of you working in any number of areas, from humanitarian relief to providing nutritional advice to celebrities. Choose from:

Public Policy/Government

International Food Organizations

Clinical Dietetics

Food and Nutrition Management

Education and Research

Consultant/Private Practice

Business and Industry


Many health professionals also choose to team their degrees with a further qualification in nutrition. Examples include:

Physician (MD or DO)

Dentist (DDS)


Chiropractor (DC)

Dentist (DDS)

Naturopathic Doctor (ND)

Physical Therapist (PT)

Podiatrist (DP)

Conversely, as a registered nutritionist, you may find yourself working with a team of physicians delivering patient care for those with a difficult relationship with food and are consequently suffering from obesity or eating disorders. You can learn about nutrition from The American Society for Nutrition and The American Nutrition Association. If you think a career in nutrition might be for you, then take a look at this video to find out more.

Learning Nutrition

Nutrition students will cover many areas of study including biochemistry, anatomy, and physiology. Since how we feel and what we think is a significant factor in the food we consume, nutrition students also often study psychology to varying degrees.

From maths to science and social sciences, nutrition students have a tough study-load!

When you are covering such a variety of core subjects from memorizing organic chemical compounds to preparing statistical data, Brainscape is the tool you need.  

Brainscape will allow you to develop a strong theoretical and academic base of knowledge allowing you to progress successfully in whichever field of nutrition you choose.

Nutrition in Brainscape

The nutrition search results have all the flashcards that any student could need. Thousands of flashcards prepared by top experts and students are just waiting for you to discover.

Choose from flashcards in the nutrition page or head to other useful sections. If you're struggling with the fundamentals of amino acids try the cellular biology pages or brush up on statistical analytical methods in the maths pages of Brainscape.

You can also author your own flashcards for a personalized learning resource and it’s good to know that the authoring process also deepens the memory.  

Learn faster with Brainscape

Following years of development, Brainscape has produced a learning system that stands apart from others. Confidence-Based Repetition or CBR, as we call it, encompasses three proven learning methods to produce a system that allows you to learn twice as fast and remember longer.

Computer-aided learning is great and incorporates a whole host of proven learning methods, but CBR is unique in that the algorithm itself is powered by the learner’s metacognition. It sounds complicated, but really it’s simple.

In practice, you might be studying enzymes; you might have just started learning this topic and it’s not sinking in yet. You can’t remember which enzymes are released in the mouth, stomach, pancreas, or intestine. You record your understanding as a  “1”, and as a result, the flashcard will be repeated again shortly until your knowledge increases. When you finally rate that flashcard a “5,” you’ll have moved onto new subject matter and that flashcard will be shown very infrequently.

The CBR system uses three powerful learning systems all rolled into one: Active Recall, Metacognition, and Spaced Repetition.

Active recall is how we recall information as opposed to merely recognizing it. Brainscape presents information in a way that means learners must retrieve information, this action builds stronger neural connections and the information is stored and retrieved more effectively in future.  

After you answer the flashcard, deliberating on your understanding furthers the memory trace as you power the algorithm with this metacognition process.  

Spaced repetition is the final method that Brainscape uses, which enables you to take in easy-to-digest pieces of information at timely periods. Once again, as you try to concentrate on recalling the information, your hippocampus neurons will be working overtime strengthening your knowledge base.  

To take advantage of this unique learning tool to boost your potential, read on.

How to get started

It couldn’t be easier to start using Brainscape. There are thousands of flashcards that you choose from on the nutrition search results.

The flashcards created by top academics and students are ready and free to try out. Choose a learning style you like, an appropriate learning level and a topic and get started. From cardio-friendly diets to dental health flashcards, there’s something for every nutrition learner.

Alternatively, become a valued contributor and personalize your own catalog of flashcards! To become an author, simply click on “make flashcards” at the top of the page. Choose to keep your flashcards private or share with other learners in the Brainscape community.

We hope you enjoy using the Brainscape tools and wish you the best of luck in your nutrition studies and beyond.