zz abnormal psychology week by week

This class was created by Brainscape user Catherine Gilbert. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (39)

Week 1 Lecture 1a History of Abnormality (Caff)
To provide an overview of the History of Abnormality as covered by Clare Anderson in Lecture 1
16  cards
Week 1 Lecture 1b Diagnosis & Classification of Disorders Caff
To provide flashcards of the contents of Lecture 2: Diagnosis & Classification of Disorders
29  cards
Week 2 Lecture 2a - Indigenous Mental Health (DN)
BROAD OVERVIEW ...  Cultural assumptions about mental health, psychological and emotional problems  Intergenerational trauma in Indigenous Australia  Universal ethics and cultural values  Flight, trauma, continuing fear and support  Cultural boundaries for intervention  Understanding bad and mad behavior  Culture and resistance  Institutions and control
36  cards
Week 3 Lecture 3a - Disorders of Childhood (DN)
To discuss the description, aetiology and treatment for developmental disorders, including autism, ADHD, and other externalizing problems.
32  cards
Week 3 Lecture 3b - Disorders of Childhood (55:30) DN
Lecture summary,
What is one of the most extreme d...,
How does conduct disorder manifest
69  cards
Week 4 Lecture 4a - Late Life Disorders (DN)
What is the new way of referring ...
60  cards
Week 4 Lecture 4b - Eating Disorders (112:50) (DN)
Lecture Content Eating Disorders: Diagnosis and Prognosis  1. Anorexia Nervosa  2. Bulimia Nervosa  3. Binge Eating Disorder Aetiological Factors Genetic; Neurobiological; Psychodynamic; Environmental; Cognitive Behavioural Socio-Cultural Factors Gender; Cross-Cultural; Ethnic; Personality & Child Abuse Treatment Options Prescribed Reading Ch11 Exam based on chapter & lecture content
55  cards
Week 5 Lecture 5 - Disorders of Sleep (DN)
What is normal sleep,
How is sleep regulated,
What is a hypnogram
61  cards
Week 7 Lecture 7 - Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder & trauma/stressor-related disorders (DN)
What are the three main dsm categ...,
Overview of dsm 5 categories,
Anxiety definition
66  cards
Week 8 Lecture 8 - Depressive disorders, bipolar and related disorders - Jo Fielding (DN)
 Lecture content *Mood disorders: Depressive disorders Bipolar and related disorders *Prevalence & life span development of mood disorders *Aetiology of mood disorders *Treatment of mood disorders
99  cards
Week 11 Lecture 11 - Schizophrenia (DN)
How did louismake a name for himself,
What did an article in 1988 natur...,
How does alex describe the experi...
71  cards
Week 10 Lecture 10a) Dissociative Disorders - Peter Enticott (DN)
Dsm 5 references,
What was dissociative disorder pr...,
Where have the main changes been ...
25  cards
Week 10 Lecture 10b) Somatic Symptom Disorders (Formerly Somatoform Disorders) - Peter Enticott - (DN) 39:00
What were the dsm 5 somatic sympt...,
What has changed from dsm v tr to...,
Describe some features of body dy...
23  cards
Week 1 Chapter 1 Intro & Historical Overview CF
To Provide an overview of Chapter 1: Introduction & Historical Overview of Abnormal Psychology
48  cards
Week 1 Chapter 1 Summary CF
To provide a brief summary of the chapter
6  cards
Week 1 Chapter 3 - DN (incomplete)
Learning goal 1 describe the purp...,
Learning goal 2 distinguish the d...,
Learning goal 3 identify the basi...
43  cards
Week 1 Chapter 2 Current Paradigms Summary CF
To provide a quick revision of Chapter 2
25  cards
Week 1 Chapter 2 Current Paradigms in Psychopathology CF
To aid learning of Chapter 2
69  cards
Week 4 Chapter 14 Late Life Disorders CF
To provide a thorough summary of Chapter 14
73  cards
Week 4 Chapter 14 Revision Late Life Disorders CF
To Provide a revision session for Chapter 14
17  cards
Week 6 Chapter 12 Sexual Disorders CF
to provide a thorough revision of chapter 12 Sexual Disorders
43  cards
Week 6 Chapter 12 Revision Sexual Disorders CF
To provide a brief summary of the content of Chapter 12 Sexual Disorders
17  cards
Week 7 Chapter 6 Anxiety Disorders CF
To provide comprehensive details of the chapter on Anxiety Disorders
30  cards
Week 7 DSM-5 Criteria for Anxiety Disorders CF
to Provide full details of the DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Anxiety Disorders
7  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders Alcohol (Caff)
To learn the contents of Alcohol disorders covered in Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders
18  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders Tobacco & Marijuana (Caff)
To provide learning support of Tobacco & Marijuana Use Disorders covered in Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders
11  cards
Week 10 - Ch 8 - Dissociative Disorders and Somatic Symptoms (DN)
Why are dissociative somatic symp...,
Learning goals,
What are the defining features of...
48  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders Aetiology of Substance Use (Caff)
To provide basic information on the Etiology of Substance use Disorders from Chapter 10
27  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders Opiates (Caff)
To provide an easy learning guide to Opiates from the Substance Use Disorders Chapter 10.
10  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders Stimulants (Caff)
To provide easy learning for the stimulants covered in Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders
14  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders Summary Caff
to provide a brief summary of the substance use disorders covered in chapter 10
54  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders Hallucinogens, Ecstasy, & PCP (Caff)
What is a hallucinogen,
Where did lsd come from,
When did lsd usage peak
14  cards
Week 12 Chapter 10 Treatment & Prevention of Substance Use Disorders (Caff)
To provide information from Chapter 10 Substance Use Disorders, specifically on the treatment & Prevention of Substance Abuse
28  cards
Week 4 Chapter 11 Eating Disorders (Caff)
To provide key learnings of Chapter 11 Eating Disorders
54  cards
Week 8 Chapter 5 Mood Disorders (Caff)
a brief overview of Chapter 5 Mood Disorders
39  cards
Week 11 Schizophrenia (AJ)
Negative symptoms of schizoprenia,
45  cards
Week 2 Lecture 2B Immigrant & Refugee Mental Health (DN & Caff)
to get through the lecture content
23  cards
Week 9 Lecture 9 - Personality Disorders - Jo Fielding (DN)
Jo says focus is on DSM-5 different to text book as proposed alternate model for DSM-5 didn't eventuate Ignore text book - it is confusing! alternate model appears in Section3 of DSM - not focus of exam Exam Clues: focus on core features of each of the 10 personality disorders Focus on what she tells us & what is in slides don't need to know prevalence rates
82  cards
Week 9 Lecture 9 - Personality Disorders Summary (DN)
How do positive and negative symp...,
How does dsm 5 characterise the p...,
What defines the cluster a person...
23  cards

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zz abnormal psychology week by week

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