z history - weimar and nazi germany

This class was created by Brainscape user Abigail Veitch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1- The origins of the Weimar Republic
How many germans died because of ...,
What were the three main events t...,
When did the kaiser abdicate and ...
14  cards
2 - Threats to the Weimar Republic
Why did the people of germany res...,
What was the stab in the back myt...,
Why did the german people hate th...
11  cards
3 - Stresemann and the economic/political recovery
Explain why the weimar republic w...,
The weimar republic was able to r...,
The weimar republic was able to r...
13  cards
4 - The Golden Years of the Weimar Republic
Explain why the years 1924 29 wer...,
The years 1924 29 were known as t...,
The years 1924 29 were known as t...
8  cards
5 - The Early Years of the NSDAP
Explain why the nsdap appealed to...,
The nsdap appealed to the german ...,
The nsdap appealed to the german ...
4  cards
6 - The Wall Street Crash and growing support for the NSAP
The wall street crash,
Statistics for the impact of the ...,
What did bruning do about the crisis
13  cards
7 - Hitler's appointment as Chancellor in 1933
How did hitler become chancellor ...,
Explain why hitler was appointed ...,
Presidential election april 1932
9  cards
8 - How Hitler secured control of Germany
What three things did hitler use ...,
The reichstag fire february 1933,
The enabling act march 1933
10  cards
9 - Controlling the population: terror and propaganda
What were the 4 parts of the poli...,
The ss,
The gestapo
17  cards
10 - Opposition to regime
Why was there so little resistanc...,
Popularity of the regime,
Effectiveness of the gestapo
5  cards
11 - Church and minority groups
Explain why the nazis were able t...,
Explain why the nazis were able t...,
Explain why the nazis were able t...
11  cards
12 - Women and youth
Explain why the nazis made change...,
Explain why the nazis made change...,
Explain why the nazis made change...
8  cards
13 - Living standards and unemployment
Explain why living standards impr...,
Explain why living standards impr...,
Explain why living standards impr...
9  cards

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z history - weimar and nazi germany

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