This class was created by Brainscape user Hailey Nelson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Where are the most favourable con...,
Where do you typically find sheep...,
Where can you typically find beef...
166  cards
What is this and whats its purpose,
What is this and what is its purpose,
What is this and what is its purpose
63  cards
horse passports
What is the standard unit of meas...,
What do equine passports record,
What organisation holds all equin...
27  cards
How much colostrum do lambs need,
How do you treat a lamb that is h...,
How do you treat a hypothermic la...
13  cards
small ruminants
What do you call a group of sheep,
What do you call a group of goats,
What do you call a group of llama...
51  cards
feathery exotics
How does the animal welfare act 2...,
What should you do with an injure...,
50  cards
Outline the roles of cats in society,
What age is the socialisation per...,
Suggest strategies for positive s...
9  cards
Summarize the basic management re...,
Recognize the physiology and anat...,
Discuss fish welfare and locate l...
15  cards
Describe daily management and hus...,
Describe behaviours of commonly k...,
What legislation list species tha...
30  cards
Describe natural habitat and beha...,
41  cards
rabbits and guinea pigs
20  cards
rodents and small mammals
What should you feed a wild mamma...,
What should you consider before r...,
What are the legalities around re...
6  cards
zoo and captive wildlife
List legislations organisations a...,
Give examples of preventative hea...
2  cards
Tprg dog,
Tprg cat,
Tprg cow
11  cards

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z. ahw 1

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