yr5 histopathology

This class was created by Brainscape user Georgia Leggett. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (27)

Describe the normal breast,
What is the breast composed of,
What are the functional units of ...
87  cards
Cardiovascular Disease
What is this,
Is atherosclerosis,
What is atherosclerosis character...
77  cards
What are,
What are more common cns tumours,
What is the aetiology of cns tumours
38  cards
What is this,
What is this
31  cards
Cerebrovascular disease and trauma
What is cerebral oedema,
What are the two types of cerebra...,
What is the result of cerebral oe...
47  cards
Upper Gastrointestinal Disease
What are the different parts of t...,
What are,
What are normal features of a his...
71  cards
Liver Pathology
Describe hepatocyte function in e...,
What occurs in zone 3 of the liver,
Describe the blood flow in the liver
64  cards
Gynaecological Pathology
Describe the gynaecological tract...,
Name 2 forms of congenital anomal...,
What is the term for inflammation...
108  cards
Describe the normal layers of the...,
What nmeumonic can be used to rem...,
What lies at the bottom and below...
79  cards
3 histological features of squamo...,
Where is squamous epithelium found,
2 histological features of adenoc...
16  cards
Pancreas and Gallbladder Pathology
What is this,
What is this,
What is acute pancreatitis
67  cards
Lower GI pathology
How can lower gi pathology be cat...,
What are general effects of large...,
What are congenital diseases of t...
99  cards
Pathology of Respiratory Disease
Define asthma,
What are the signs and symptoms o...,
Explain the aetiology risk factor...
87  cards
Urological Pathology
What are the urinary,
What are stones in urinary calcul...,
What are calcium oxalate stones r...
75  cards
Renal Disease
What are the major functions of t...,
Where are the kidneys,
What is the anatomy of a kidney
59  cards
Histopathology 6 - Vascular and Cardiac pathology
What are the 3 stages of atheroma...,
Recall the 7 steps of atheroma pa...,
What atheroma of a vessl lumen is...
40  cards
Histopathology: Breast Pathology
Breast pathology what are the fea...,
Breast pathology what is the clas...,
Breast pathology what is are aeti...
22  cards
Histopath - cardio
Describe the pathogenesis of an a...,
3 main components of a plaque,
Which part of the aorta is more c...
40  cards
Histopathology 14 - Neuro-oncology
Which 3 types of cancer are most ...,
What is the most common form of p...,
Which genetic syndrome is associa...
29  cards
Histopathology 10 - Upper GI disease
What is the z line in the gi tract,
Where is the cardia portion of th...,
What are the 3 layers of the stom...
50  cards
histopath - cerebrovascular path
Define stroke,
Most common site for cerebral thr...,
Most common site for cerebral emb...
28  cards
Histopathology 3 - Breast pathology
In which type of breast cancer is...,
What guage needle is used for bio...,
Recall the c1 c5 code that is use...
34  cards
Crash Course: gynae and breast
123  cards
Crash course: Neuro
What are the 6 components of the ...,
Frontal lobe,
Temporal lobe
80  cards
Crash course: Bone and Skin
Describe the structure of bone,
Describe the composition of bone,
Describe the structure of a joint
91  cards
Crash course: Renal
What is aki what is it measured by,
What is ckd how is it measured,
What are the stages of ckd based ...
78  cards
Crash course: Liver, Cardiac, GI
Describe blood flow in the liver,
Give 3 features of zone 1 hepatoc...,
Give 3 features of zone 3 hepatoc...
87  cards

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yr5 histopathology

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