This class was created by Brainscape user Simran Sandhu. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

ENDO - Periapical Pathology
What comes before radiographic ex...,
2 features of normal periapical t...,
What does the pdl space appear as
40  cards
ENDO Revision
Define endodontology,
Describe apical region in terms o...,
Describe coronal region in terms ...
21  cards
ENDO Outcomes and Managing Failure
When should rct be assessed,
What would be favourable outcomes,
What determines an uncertain outcome
12  cards
ENDO - Restoration Options for Root-Filled Teeth
What is generally the two options...,
What if you want to do a rct but ...,
What is a ferrule
33  cards
Steps to endo,
What are gates glidden drills use...,
Once you ve accessed the canal wh...
12  cards
FIXED PROS - Materials for Crowns and Bridgework
What should the choice of materia...,
What requirements should the mate...,
What options are there for crown ...
45  cards
FIXED PROS - Shade Selection
Why is shade selection important,
What are the 3 variables describi...,
What is the hue
25  cards
FIXED PROS - Principles of Tooth Prep
What is an indirect restoration,
Why is a crown indirect restoration,
What are 4 cons of indirect resto...
28  cards
FIXED PROS - Temporary Crowns
Why are temporary crowns needed,
Why may you get dentinal sensitiv...,
What is the hydrodynamic theory
33  cards
FIXED PROS - Impressions and Soft Tissue Management
How should peri,
Why must the gingiva be healthy b...,
How is good periodontal care esta...
28  cards
FIXED PROS - Elastomeric Impression Materials
Why are impressions taken,
What are the,
What is an elastomer
37  cards
FIXED PROS - Materials used for Cementation
Describe what a cement is,
What is the purpose of dental lut...,
What is getting cemented to what
39  cards
FIXED PROS - Resin Retained Bridges
What is a bridge,
Describe the terminologies of a a...,
Describe the difference between a...
22  cards
FIXED PROS - Medical Device Regulations
Define medical devices,
Give examples of medical devices,
What are not classified as medica...
24  cards
FIXED PROS - Jaw Movements and Articulators
What does conformative treatment ...,
What device is used to make sure ...,
What is the purpose of an articul...
24  cards
FIXED PROS - Occlusal Investigations
Define occlusion,
Define articulation,
What is in a basic occlusal exami...
10  cards
FIXED PROS - Conventional Bridges
Define a fixed dental prosthesis,
What are the 3 components of a fi...,
Describe abutments
31  cards
FIXED PROS - Occlusal Factors in Restoration Failure
What can go wrong with restorations,
Why can restoration,
How do you prevent occlusal failu...
14  cards
EXTRA COR REST - Terminology
What is a crown,
What is the natural tooth tissue ...,
What is the preparation margin
15  cards
EXTRA COR REST - FVC Crowns - Full Veneer Crowns
5 advantages,
3 disadvantages,
When would you use fvc 3
12  cards
EXTRA COR REST - MCC Crowns - Metal Ceramic Crowns
3 advantages,
2 disadvantages,
Where would mcc be used
9  cards
EXTRA COR REST - PJC & ACC Crowns - Porcelain Jacket Crown & All Ceramic Crowns
What is a pjc,
Where can pjc be used,
At ldi what are acc made out of
7  cards
EXTRA COR REST - Treatment Planning
Give 4 reasons why crowns are used,
2 reasons why crowns need to be j...,
Can crowns be used as part of a b...
18  cards
Crown Fitting and Cementation - Clinical Procedure
Describe the steps of receiving w...,
How do you remove a temporary crown,
What must be
8  cards
Crown Fitting and Cementation - Luting Cement Selection
What is the luting cement,
What 3 factors determine which ce...,
Give ideal properties of the cement
30  cards
Crown Fitting and Cementation - Trouble Shooting
How do you check if the bite is t...,
What are the steps after when the...,
When making adjustments how thin ...
4  cards
Describe the impact of caries man...,
What risks increase tooth fracture,
How can you strengthen weakened c...
39  cards
PARTIAL DENT - Introduction
definitions, components and jargon
33  cards
PARTIAL DENT - Design for Cobalt Chrome Dentures
Give 4 principles of design for c...,
Describe the 8 steps of design,
Give 4 aesthetics of replacing a ...
43  cards
PARTIAL DENT - Prosthodontics Impressions
What is important to record when ...,
What muscles change the shape of ...,
What are the 6 key anatomical fea...
27  cards
PARTIAL DENT - Secondary Impressions
What should be the position for u...,
What should be the position for l...,
How should the patient be positio...
22  cards
PARTIAL DENT - Recording the Occlusion
When recording the occlusion what...,
What is the ovd,
What is a wax block able to indate
22  cards
PARTIAL DENT - Dental Polymers
What are the requirements of an i...,
What are desirable properties whi...,
Define resilience
35  cards
ANATOMY - Fascial Spaces and the Spread of Infection
What is the fascia,
What are the fascial planes,
What is the fascial space
33  cards
What are the muscles of mastication,
What is the masseter responsible for,
Roles of the temporalis
33  cards
ORAL SURG - Tooth Extraction
What are the indications of exodo...,
What needs to be considered in th...,
What needs to be considered with ...
18  cards
ORAL SURG - Abnormal Bleeding
Why may there be b,
Give effects of blood loss,
What must be checked as part of t...
45  cards
ORAL SURG - Complications of Extractions
How can you predict the possibili...,
Anxiety and bone removal pain,
What can be taken to prevent pain
31  cards

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yr 3 - csb

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