year three exam 2

This class was created by Brainscape user kayleigh wootten. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

CNS functional anatomy
What makes up the cns,
What are the roles of the brain stem,
Which parts make up the brain stem
27  cards
What is glutamate,
How is glutamate synthesised,
How is glutamate processed and re...
52  cards
What are the roles of the skull a...,
What are the roles of the meninges,
What are the structure of the men...
13  cards
delivery across BBB
What are the three mechanisms of ...
1  cards
Liver physiology
Liver anatomy,
Vascular structure of the liver,
Anatomy of hepatic lobules
18  cards
liver diseases
What is acute liver disease,
What is chronic liver disease,
What is the progression of liver ...
26  cards
liver disease diagnosis and treatment
What enzymes and proteins are mea...,
What is the role of aspartate tra...,
What is the role of aspartate tra...
33  cards
What are the risk factors for hep...,
What are some mechanisms of hepat...,
What are the two types of adverse...
15  cards
renal function
What are the main functions of th...,
How does the kidney play a role i...,
How does the kidney play a endocr...
25  cards
classification of renal disease and AKI
What are the three classification...,
What are the pre renal causes of ...,
What can cause reduced renal perf...
22  cards
What is ckd,
What are the causes of ckd,
What are the 6 complications asso...
33  cards
What is dialysis,
When is dialysis indicated,
What are the severe symptoms of e...
17  cards
solid organ transplants
What is the process of a sot,
What are the aims of sot,
What are the issues associated wi...
13  cards
SOT drugs and therapeutics
What drugs can be used in the ind...,
Which drugs are used in sot maint...,
What are the side effects of cort...
43  cards
dementia clinical
What are the psychological sympto...,
What are the behavioural symptoms...,
What are the early stages of beha...
8  cards
Dementia science
How do acetylcholinesterase inhib...,
What is the benefit to using gala...,
What are nmda antagonists and how...
22  cards
epilepsy science
Pathophysiology of epilepsy,
What is the pathophysiology of ab...,
What are the 4 main moa for antie...
6  cards

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year three exam 2

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